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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. BPS usually has them on sale during the Spring Classic sale, but I don't remember for how much.
  2. I always hate to hear someone say that we need to "grow the sport". There's enough of us out there, it doesn't get better if even more people take up bass fishing. Nothing wrong with taking kids or a friend out to fish, but the reason should be to take them fishing, not because we need to "grow the sport".
  3. I'd trade a few Flicker Shads for that mess of walleye. Cabelas has them on sale for $3.99 in the Bargain Cave. Congrats on some nice 'eyes!
  4. I would probably fish the dam area. Where exactly is always hard to say, but last week I saw a couple of striper boats in Indian creek.
  5. Didn't show if that guy landed the fish.
  6. I don't know why people get upset about what other people own or spend their money on. Just get out and fish and enjoy yourself. In spite of all the fancy boats out there and fancy tackle people are using, fish are still out there to be caught.
  7. Ned may not be a bad choice based on some of the recent reports of fish being caught on the Ned. With your light tackle preference, might be worth bringing some smaller minnow type cranks like a Flicker Shad/Shad Rap/BagleyBalsa Shad to throw on windy banks if there is wind this weekend. Might try some small finesse jigs that you can throw on your tackle.
  8. OK, I hear no objections to the lodging plan above, so we'll go with it.
  9. I found it to be tough. Got a couple early walking the dog, picked a couple up on a jig, then the wind really picked up so I started throwing spinner baits and cranks. Got 3 on a mid-depth crank on windy banks, threw quite a few casts with the crank to get those 3 fish on it. One keeper largemouth and a half dozen 13-14" spots was my total for the day. WT was 68-69.
  10. I see - I am on my home PC and I don't get the spam.
  11. Looking though my notes for the last couple of years, 2 years ago surface temps were at 67, this time of year, last year, which was a warm fall, they were at 70, I was out today and saw 68-69, this is around the Big M area.
  12. What do you guys mean by getting "spammed"? Just curious as I am not seeing anything.
  13. Thanks for the report, some great info.
  14. OK, here it was I have for "stayers" at Rileys. Myself Wounded One Phil and Duane Johnsfolly Grizwilson Stinger 160 Terrierman +2 Little Red Billethead JestersHK Jdecoudres Reply if I mistakenly have you on the list and you are staying somewhere else. Looks like we'll need to get Cedar Gables and the River Villa to hold everyone. Total cost for both, assuming I didn't make a math error, is $1375. Divide that by 18 people and I get $76.38 per person for the 3 nights. Let's round it up to $80, we can leave the extra as a tip. If anyone has any objection to this, let us know, but I think $80 to stay for 3 nights is pretty darned good. Rileys only accepts cash or checks (no credit cards). So bring your 80 clams in either form. I think that this year with this many people, everyone should pay up front. I can set up a check list and you can give me your payment when you arrive, or someone else can volunteer for this duty if they want. River Villa has a no pet policy, so I'll be staying at Cedar as I have to bring my dog with me. We'll have to get a food thread going as to who is bringing what. Looking forward to it!
  15. Quillback

    so-so week

    Thanks for the report, you probably know this, you can keeps spots of any size on Beaver now. Might as well keep them if they swallow the hook. Those pelicans migrate through early spring and fall. Only around for a little while, so it is neat to see them.
  16. OK, I looked, here's a link: http://warfarehistorynetwork.com/daily/military-history/lewis-and-clarks-girandoni-air-rifle/
  17. I read the DeVoto edited version of their journals, very interesting read. I wonder if any of those old air guns are still around, got to be worth some big money if they are, I can't imagine they made many. Have to do some research when I get time.
  18. I was out there in a buddies boat in the morning. He's got a 16' older bass boat, can't remember the model. It was slow for largemouth, we caught some dinks also, and got one that was 2.5 lbs. on a jig. What was unusual is that we caught 4 hybrids, all about 2 lbs. Saw some top water activity, thought it was largemouth, we tossed spoons and spooks and caught the hybrids. First hybrids I have caught in that lake or seen for that matter. I think they stocked them 3 or 4 years ago. Nice redear. They are in there.
  19. I've got a Gamo, no firearms discharge ordnance here in Bella Vista, so I use it to plink garden raiding squirrels and the random armadillo. Thought this article was interesting, some fairly large caliber air-guns out there. https://www.outdoorlife.com/articles/hunting/2016/05/air-gun-test-13-standard-caliber-big-bore-and-spring-piston-rifles-reviewed#page-18
  20. Yeah, I'd as soon eat a large carp as a large trout.
  21. Alright, enough talk about the RR cove. There's better areas, Aunts Creek for example. Nothing to be seen here, move along, move along.
  22. Is it tacky to take a takie?
  23. Looks like a weather change headed in this weekend, forecast highs only in the 60's next week. It is slow just about everywhere around here, Grand is slow, I know of a local tourney that was on Eucha a week and a half ago, and they did not do well. Beaver is also tough. I am optimistic that good fishing is just around the corner. Of course I am always optimistic about fishing, what fisherman isn't?
  24. Sounds like an interesting book.
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