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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. It appears she's got at least 3 hooded sweaters/jackets/coats on and has the hood up from each one. A buff is not needed when you're peering out from under multiple hoods.
  2. Very nice! It is funny how these fish are acting, a guy can fish a lot of good looking stuff that should be holding fish and hardly get a bite, but once you find them they bite like they are starving to death.
  3. Well congrats to you Tigger fans, your team played like it wanted to win. Wish I could say that for the piglets. I've watched a few football games in my life, and I don't recall watching many where receivers running deep routes were so wide open so many times.
  4. Good stuff - Looks like a nice meanmouth.
  5. Very nice, I like hearing the JB is working. I was thinking of trying one out next time, but I will throw one for sure.
  6. Very cool. I have an eagle/seagull story myself.. Was on a salmon fishing trip on the saltwater off Vancouver island. The guide we were with was using anchovies for bait behind a flasher and running them off downriggers. He'd bait the hook then let off about 30 feet of line before attaching it to the down rigger ball. Well one time when he let the line out, a gull came down, grabbed the anchovy, and got hooked. The guide clips the line with the attached gull to the down rigger ball, and drops the ball down, taking the gull underwater with it. After submerging the gull for about 30 seconds, he brought it back up, the gull was still alive, but somewhat subdued so the guide was able to bring the gull in and unhook it without having to battle a fully energized and PO'd gull. Once released the gull just sat on the water flapping its wings and acting somewhat distressed, meanwhile we were back to trolling and moving away from the gull. A bunch of the gulls buddies showed up, and started circling the dazed gull, diving at it and raising a ruckus with their screeching calls. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, an eagle appears and swooped down and grabbed that gull and flew off with it. Truly a bad day for that particular gull.
  7. I usually upload them from my PC. Sometimes I get that same error, but if I try another upload it will usually do it on the 2nd attempt. Sometimes it takes 3 tries.
  8. Happy Thanksgiving guys!
  9. What does the error say?
  10. Quillback

    Hickory Creek

    Have you been over to Bob Kidd? AGFC did an electroshock survey over there and they reported they saw quite a few bass and redears. I want to make it down there one of these days, just haven't done it.
  11. Cold, cloudy and windy was the theme for today. It was very slow fishing for most of the day, tried the Ned rig, deep fishing with the spoon, Rock Crawler and a spinner bait and only caught a few shorts and one keeper smallie that ate the Ned. Around 1:30 PM, I was just about ready to quit, pulled into a cove that had the wind blowing directly into it and thought I would throw the Ned on a couple of rocky banks then be done for the day. I threw it a few times, got a couple of bites but the wind was blowing so hard that it made it difficult to fish that light bait, decided to throw a Deep Little N. Got the boat parallel to the bank over about 8 FOW and started throwing the DLN letting the wind push me down the bank. Had a pretty good stretch of fishing for about an hour, boated 10 bass, mostly largemouth and had a few others on that got off. No bigguns, but several keepers. Wish I could have done that all day. Water temp was a bit cooler, 60-61. The duck is still standing by the ramp.
  12. It is creepy, and weird.
  13. Yeah, sorry guys, typo. 61-62.
  14. Some duck hunter must have left their decoy at the ramp. Fishing was a bit slow, started off with the Ned rig and wasn't getting much action, so I went with the Rock Crawler and threw it and a Deep Little N for most of the time. Found a few biters on the cranks, 10 total with 3 being keepers. Mostly on rocky banks with wind. Water temp was 61-52.
  15. If it was blowing over there like it did here yesterday, you had some wind for sure. But you got some nice fish in the boat in spite of it all.
  16. I can't tell you how many fishing articles I have read about fall bass fishing, and they all will say that "Fishing in the fall is great because once deer season starts you'll have the lake to yourself." Not around here.
  17. Another day, another foggy start. Air temp was 36 when I launched and I saw 81 on the drive home. No wind and a bright blue sky after the fog was gone, lately that has been a recipe for tough fishing, but today was a better day. Fish were biting well in the fog and it tailed off some once the fog burned off, but I could still find some bites. All on the Ned, except one I caught on a tube. Rocky banks without wood worked best, one of those banks was halfway back in a cove, the rest were main channel. Caught 25 bass, 6 keepers, but small keepers, none over 16". Mostly spots, I think I caught 3 largemouth and something like 4 smalls. Got a couple of walleye, one short and one just at the 18" mark. Decided to release Mr. Walleye. Most of the fish were close to the bank, not right on it, but usually in 5 -10 FOW. Water temp was 64 to start and was up to 66 when I left.
  18. I fished out of Big M this morning, very foggy to start and did not hear another boat, but when the fog burned off the boats started appearing. I too thought it was pretty busy, I'm thinking the weather brought everybody out.
  19. Dodging? I have answered your personal speculation, which is all it is. BTW you haven't offended me, I am cool with discussing this. Here's all I can find on MDC's thoughts on captive birds and disease spread: Released captive quail also may spread diseases to wild quail. Transmission of bacteria, viruses, and parasites from captive-reared to wild birds is certainly a possibility, although few such cases have been documented. Regardless, biologists emphasize that, if captive quail are to be released, strict health protocols must be followed to minimize the potential for disease transmission. Also of concern is in. Is that what you are basing your speculation on? Got something else? Of course they destroyed those birds, but did that destroy the source of the disease? Do you think Wyoming birds are going to bring avian botulism to Missouri? Where do you think it originates from? Farm raised birds? Seriously, you should research avian botulism before you make lame attempts to blame it on bird game farms. Another way to look at it, is you could totally end game bird farming and you won't end the risk of birds contracting avian botulism. OK, so must be something else, what is it? You still don't have anything credible to support your position, except your own speculation.
  20. BTW, C4F, you're behind the times on current bass fishing clothing style. Buff's are what us fashion leaders wear.
  21. BTW Spoon, you might want to research Avian Botulism, which was the disease, as I understand it that infected those Wyoming birds. You'll learn that specific disease is not caused by pen raised game birds, they can contract the disease, and so can domestic chickens, but it's source is primarily in wetlands. And it is not something that can be eradicated. You could completely eliminate game bird facilities, but it would not stop outbreaks of this disease.
  22. Well, now you've gone to the personal attack mode, calling me absurd, and not using rational thought. I always take that as an acknowledgement that someone such as yourself has lost the argument. Why should I contact MDC? I have nothing to prove. I'm content to say that there is no evidence that wild bird populations in MO have been infected by diseases introduced from game farms.
  23. Quillback

    What's Cooking?

    Yep, I think one of the reasons my great grand pappy ate mush every morning was because he had no teeth. And they could not afford anything else. My MO grandma said all she ever had to eat as a child was corn bread and beans.
  24. Well it is somewhat difficult to document. I see no real need into heading that direction either. But we always have the option of waiting until it is an epidemic and then trying to rectify the consequences. OK, well if you want to speculate go ahead. And you still haven't produced one shred of evidence that MO birds have been effected by disease from game bird operations. if there is a real, verified threat to MO game birds coming from game bird operations, then those operations should be shut down. You can keep trying to fog the discussion if you want by bringing in high fence operations, shadowy conspiracies, bear wrestling, Wyoming, etc. It's pretty funny stuff.
  25. Considering the conditions, that's a pretty good day.
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