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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Saw it, and I was thinking lower Taney also.
  2. I can't tell for sure, but I believe that they may be running multiple rounds in a day. Could be the reasoning for restricting each group to areas. Maybe one of the later rounds will have them fishing the dam area.
  3. Dang, foiled by Champ, again! I'm still waiting on Rock Crawlers to come in at HLS, Champ not only bought out their inventory, but he somehow found out a way to buy out all the backorders.
  4. Hey Cheese - what is the water clarity around Big M?
  5. Sounds like a fun day. Considering that the lake went up 15 feet and now has come back down to where it was a few weeks ago, I would think the fish are a bit confused.
  6. Well since they say they "attract fish automatically" I am sold. Been looking a long time for the automatic fish attractor feature, don't know why the other manufacturers haven't put it into their designs. I have a dozen of each color on order.
  7. Yeah they have dropped the ball on the WW and now all these other manufacturers are moving in. Wouldn't be such a bad thing, but for the fact that the other guys are all charging $9 - $13 for their Wartish baits.
  8. Thanks for the review.
  9. I bet if you don't have one with the green back, Tim can paint you one.
  10. I think if you look at the demographics of this site, it's mostly people who are 40 and up, and have reached a point in their lives where they can be a little indulgent in their tackle and boat buying. I didn't have a boat with an outboard or a trolling motor until I was 35. Didn't really need one fishing the small lakes and ponds in the northeast, paddle power worked fine. But now that I'm older, I sure do like having that big outboard to move me around, and love that trolling motor.
  11. Not bad for this time of year to get a couple of good fish.
  12. Looks like the Thang has a bit of a squarebill on it, should provide some good deflection off cover. I like it that they have some craw colors.
  13. It is a 600 yard spool of clear, 6 lb. test. It looks full or close to full, but I may have spooled a reel in the past so it may be only 500 yards. PM me your address and I'll send it to you, it's just gathering dust, you might as well have it.
  14. I know some people who feel better and above others that fish low end stuff. Kind of a 'Holier than thou' thing. Not that I care that much who uses what and what they paid for it.
  15. Ken, you may have to tell us what it's like, haven't been there in a while myself.
  16. Trophy, I can't remember where I got it, I know it wasn't local, I've had this spool probably 6 or 7 years now. I remember it being a good deal, but darn if I can remember where I got it.
  17. I'll tell you how tough Invisx is, I tied off on my truck hitch to do the stretch thing, I started pulling on my rod, no stretch and darn it If I didn't start pulling the truck backwards (F-150 with the parking brake set). I stopped pulling when the tires started smoking. And that was using 4 lb. Invisx.
  18. I like Bo's design. Would like to try one with a green pumpkin jig and a dark blade, drag it on the bottom, just enough to tick it off the bottom and keep the blade turning.
  19. Just taking the dog for a short walk this AM was about all the cold weather experience I want today.
  20. My opinion was that we was just trying to be funny.
  21. You're talking me into it, I'll give it a try.
  22. I'm holding a 600 yard spool of "6lb." Yozuri in my hand, .010 diameter according to the label. I can tell just be looking at it that it is thick diameter stuff. I am not amazed.
  23. Just read 'The Oregon Trail' by Rinker Buck. Rinker and his brother rode, in 2011, the route that the Oregon trail followed (the trail had several cutoffs so they didn't cover every cutoff). They rode it in a mule powered replica of the wagons the pioneers used. About 2/3 of the book is about their trip, people they met, dealing with the mules, and the many obstacles they had to overcome. Another 1/3 Is Oregon Trail history. Good read.
  24. Been thinking of trying it myself if the weather ever gets warm enough for me to get out on the Rock. I remember some guide caught a couple of 9 lbers one day on the FNF. Can't remember the guides name.
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