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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Yeah it's all Babler's fault He hasn't been providing us with any reports lately, makes me think he's on to a hot bite and he's keeping it secret.
  2. Yep a couple of challenging games ahead for Mizzou, but it makes it more fun to watch. I wonder what it is like to be an Alabama fan, where you expect your team to win every game, and in most of them win big.
  3. Thanks for the report, you're doing better than I am. Fished hard today for four 12" bass.
  4. Better than I did today, I had a total of 4 12" bass.
  5. Very nice, fishing has been tough, you guys done well.
  6. I heard mention on one of the NFL shows last night that the Lambs are in the hunt for a playoff spot. Who woulda thunk???
  7. Great idea Phil, I remember the one that you and Bill Babler did several years ago where Bill talked about fishing jerkbaits. Bill did a great job and hopefully you can get him back again. I would be mainly interested in attending anything on Table Rock. Sure would like to see a seminar on winter fishing the Rock. Grub fishing, jig fishing, fishing deep trees - it would all be good.
  8. Fishing has been tough lately. We have that big cold front coming in next week, might get them going.
  9. Good idea on that weed guard for the jig head - do you make those?
  10. There's about a million ways to rig a tube, but I will usually Texas rig them as I'm fishing them around rocks and timber. 3/8 oz weight, 3/0 Mustad Big Mouth Tube hook. This is for 3.5" tubes. Tube bite should get better when the water temps drop a little more.
  11. Another tough day out there for me, managed 8 bass, biggest was an 18.25" smallie. Also had another keeper smallie and a couple of keeper spots. No luck on the LM bite, only one 12" LM for my efforts. Best bite was the tube, a Dry Creek double dip in what they call "Columbia Craw" which is Green Pumpkin with some blue in the tentacles. Got one spot on the blade (Champ), and the short LM on a jig. Water temp 62.
  12. Folks in Tallahassee are loving that Oregon loss.
  13. Thanks for the story. I plan on getting out on a couple of the MO quail emphasis CA's this year. Just waiting for the weather to get a little colder.
  14. I like the pictures of the little fellers (if done right). Often more picturesque than the big ones. It's a fishing forum - stories and pics are expected. Otherwise we wouldn't have much going on here.
  15. Funny thing, there are still some coves and banks in that area that I haven't fished or maybe fished one time. I usually fall back on my tried and true spots, but I try and fish something new every time I go.
  16. Bigfoot hunt fail. http://www.fieldandstream.com/blogs/field-notes/2013/11/bigfoot-hunters-get-scared-shoot-friend-during-bigfoot-hunt
  17. I think I am going to haunt the Big M area tomorrow. Looks like there will be a bit of a warm breeze tomorrow afternoon. Good luck all!
  18. Wow, what a beast. With that kype, reminds me more of a late winter steelhead.
  19. I was beginning to think I was the only one who used spinning equipment to fish jerkbaits. I use bait casters a lot, but I like working a jerkbait on a spinning setup. Long casts, quick line pick up, and for some reason I just like the way I can work a jerk bait with a fast tip spinning rod. Another good jerkbait, in addition to all the good ones mentioned already, is an IMA Flit. It gets down to 4-5 feet quickly, suspends well, and is very responsive to slight twitches.
  20. Looks like they have them surrounded!
  21. Thanks for the report, that seems to be the way the bite has been, you can get some decent fish, but you've got to work for them.
  22. Nice one Danger!
  23. Do you use a feathered tail on it?
  24. Speaking of P-38's, there was a PBS documentary of a recent recovery of a P-38 buried under 200 feet of ice in Greenland. They tunneled down to the plane, melted out a cavern where the plane was located, disassembled it, brought it up the tunnel, and flew the parts back to the states for re-assembly. Here's a link: http://p38assn.org/glacier-girl.htm
  25. I've always liked the P-38 Lightning. The Japanese didn't like it.
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