Ya'll did a lot better than I did. I made the mistake of going early and going the wrong way out of Big M.
I did catch a few crappie which was one of my objectives, one thing about catching crappie on the Keitech is that you don't need to worry about measuring them, they tend to be solid fish.
Weighed a white that went 2.75.
The bank across from Emerald Beach and upstream a bit has the biggest concentration of gar that I think I have ever seen. There's a bit of a mudline there, murky green water, then it clears up about 40 feet from the bank. Gar everywhere. Saw several that were at least 4 feet long. Had a couple whack the Keitech, but could not keep them pinned.
Going up to Cape Fair today with Dutch, never fished up there before, looking forward to it!