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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Colt SA Army that went for $345,000 at auction. The Rock Island site is an interesting one to browse to see the auction prices of old handguns. Colt Single Action Army Revolver Owned by General Emory Upton | Rock Island Auction
  2. You've probably heard of this gunfight, took place in Springfield. Hickok–Tutt shootout - Wikipedia
  3. My sole revolver is an 1873 SA .45 LC Cavalry model (replica). It was the sidearm carried by the 7th cavalry at the Little Bighorn. I've read a lot about that battle and have visited the battlefield twice, it's right off of I-90 which I have traveled several times on my way back and forth to Washington. I plan to go back one more time one of these days. Range gun, fun to shoot cowboy loads, but it is expensive ammo, about a $1 per round so I don't shoot it much. Here's a link: Cimarron Firearms General Custer Revolver 45 Colt (Long Colt) 7.5 (midwayusa.com)
  4. Some great fish, congrats!
  5. You may have company.
  6. As far as the fireball, it was reported by quite a few people across the area. Report a Fireball (amsmeteors.org)
  7. Thanks buddy, no fishing for me today. I am now 65. Only upside to that is that I now am on Medicare, saving me quite a bit on my health insurance bill. And this morning, walking the dog at about 10 minutes to 6 AM, saw a fireball cross from west to east low on the horizon. Biggest meteor I have ever seen, must have been seen by lots of other people.
  8. Nice looking brookie too, most of the pics of ones I have seen from the White look like they just got off the truck.
  9. Launched at 0630 this morning, another outstanding day as far as weather. Decent early bite, the were done by 10 AM, but put 11 in the boat with 5 being keepers. All smallmouth, only one spotted bass. Caught one on top, one on a jig, the rest were on the drop shot with a Thin Senko. Fish were in 25-35 FOW about halfway back in a large cove, gravel bottom. There is some top water striper activity, but not a lot. Had a guide pulling shad in the same cove I was in, never saw them hook up. WT 73
  10. Heard the audio, they got a verbal whuppin' for sure from the other guys.
  11. Thanks for the write-up!
  12. Sorry to see that, certainly a great dog!
  13. It will be interesting to see the results of the Homer Sloan. Lots of good fishermen in that one, you know someone will do good. Good luck!
  14. That one looks big enough to eat. I have not caught or seen one in Beaver or TR, but looks like they have arrived.
  15. I fished top water all morning. Started walking the dog, then switched over to the Whopper Plopper. For 5 hours I fished the bank, probably fished several miles worth of bank. 7 bass in the boat, 3 were keepers. No real pattern, I'd say gravel banks were the best, especially if you can find a little pocket or cove. There are one inch sized shad everywhere, I have never seen this many on this end of the lake. They are in the coves from front to back and on the gravel banks. The bass aren't after them like you'd think they'd be. Caught another meanmouth today. He blew up on the lure about 15 feet from the boat, jumped right over it. He missed it and usually when they're that close to the boat they don't come back, but I twitched the lure and he blew it up again, but got hooked this time. Meanmouth are dumb, but fun to catch.
  16. If I gave away the location my life expectancy would get short. The unamed buddy was out yesterday and did about the same as you, but his were mostly on top.
  17. Hang in there buddy!
  18. Air temp was 45 degrees at the ramp this morning and I was somewhat scantily clad so it was a cold start. Fishing wasn't great, but this weather is outstanding. Haven't been over to TR in a while, lake has dropped 3-4 feet since I was last here. I like it when it gets down to 910. Monarchs are coming through, saw a half dozen crossing the lake and I wasn't looking too hard for them. To me that is a sign of fall when I see them on their way south. As for the fishing, I started in a cove and worked a top water down both banks and around the trees for the first hour, caught one 12" largemouth. Then fished some bluffs for a while with a jig and caught another 12 incher. Decided to do some Babler style fishing, 150 yards off the bank where the water is 20 feet deep. Found some fish, caught some on top, a couple on a 3.3 Keitech and one on a drop shot. 12-14 inch spots, with 2 keepers. About 10 AM they stopped and I was at the dock at 1130. Got a call from a buddy that had a good day, 30 fish, 10 were keepers - on jigs. Can't say where, but there's are some fish to be caught if you are in the right place. My biggest fish was this 16' meanie. He absolutely blew up on the top water, fought like a maniac, and then bounced around in the net getting my lure all tangled up in my net - had to cut one of the hooks out of the net. WT 75-77
  19. I did not know there were yellow bass in Beaver.
  20. Nice eyes! I was fishing last week out of a buddy's boat and caught a fat keeper eye, it did not get released.
  21. Good stuff, it is a little nippy outside this morning, I like it!
  22. HAHA! Gotta admit it took me a few to get it.
  23. Fish sandwiches the day after are great!
  24. Quillback

    Fish roe

    Shad roe, from American or hickory shad is supposed to be good. Whitefish roe also. Never had any myself. In the spring when the shad were running in the Columbia river, people would keep shad just for the roe, same for whitefish when they were on their late winter spawning run. Sushi bars will usually have salmon roe, I've seen it, but that is something I never tried, could not bring myself to do it. Quite a few of the sushi rolls are garnished with herring roe, fairly tasteless but they add some crunchy texture, kind of like sesame seeds.
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