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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Go get 'em!
  2. Looks very tasty!
  3. I saved that link, might head up there someday when circumstances allow.
  4. Well shoot, thought you were done with that.
  5. Hang in there, you got one thing fixed, I'm sure you'll get this next one knocked out and get back to fishing.
  6. Yep, that's the guy. He saw me and another guy catching them there last week, so he was there early today. But it has been a late morning bite there, no need to be there at oh-dark-thirty. I can't catch anything on the Keitech lately, couple of weeks ago they were hammering it.
  7. I thought that was you Bill. Should've stopped by, not much of a surface bite in that spot to scare off. I'm going to add on my results to your post. I caught 32 bass, 5 keepers. Early it was a drop shot bite, a few on a jig and a couple on top. First thing in the AM, there was a guy sitting on my hot spot, so I had to wait for him to vamoose. Once he did leave, I got in there and had a bit of a top water bite, and then started catching them on a 1/4 oz Kastmaster. 3 of my 5 keeper came on the Kaster. They would not touch the drop shot in that spot. No walleye for me. 😭 I saw 86 for a surface temp.
  8. Driven by several times but never stopped. Have to do it next time. If anything, I want one of those T-shirts.
  9. Wall Drug - 150 miles. 5 cents coffee.
  10. Always wanted to try Mille Lacs or Sturgeon Bay. I believe both those areas have some smaller inland lakes around that you could fish if the big water was too rough.
  11. Nice colors on that cutt.
  12. Heckuva Bow, sorry to hear about the wake dude kicking one up. Boat ramps in the summer, you never know what you'll find.
  13. No these lakes are not natural, they are man made. If Lake O was not a man made impoundment you would not have those things there, they are a result of a man made ecosystem.
  14. All these impoundments are man made environments, nothing natural about them at all. These fish won't screw anything up.
  15. I was using a Teckel "Knicknocker". I'll quote what it says in their description below. Spooks are a great bait too, I am not making any claims the Teckel is a better bait, but it has been working for me lately. Teckel USA Kicknocker Walking Bait is fitted with a large, singular knocker that creates a steady, rhythmic thud, while extending casting distance and making the bait incredibly easy to walk.
  16. You folks are getting around!
  17. Just noticed I jumped the gun on the date. Should be the 13th.
  18. My whole year on Table Rock has been spots, I think today I caught more largemouth than any other day I have fished TR this year. My best one, I did not get a photo of, but it was 18". It's weird, the last 2 days I fished have been better than any days I had this spring. They'll leave that spot where I am catching them and then I'll be back to trying to scrape out a few fish.
  19. Usual launch at daylight, back on the trailer by 11 AM. Banged around on a few banks early, caught 2 little bass. Headed over to the honey hole and they were there again. The bite was a little different, more top water fish and drop shot fish and only a handful on the Hula Grub. There were several top water frenzy deals, you can sit there for 30 minutes dragging the drop shot around and catch a few here and there, and then all of a sudden they start blowing up all around you. I could see them, they'd just shoot into those shad, blowing up, knocking shad in the air, it's pretty neat to watch. Of course I have to catch some, so I'd throw that One Knocker at them and they would just hammer it. It would go on for a few minutes, usually long enough to boat 2 or 3, then they'd stop. It was almost like they'd herd the shad in there and go to work on them until the shad left. The area they are in is small enough that if I am in the center of it, I can cover the entire area casting. Have to have that top water ready when they start. If it wasn't for them being there, I'd be struggling to catch 10 at the most. Can't find anywhere else where they are there like this spot. Tom and his wife were there with me for a while and I can tell you that One Knocker out fishes a Plopper by 3 or 4 to 1. I caught 29 with 7 or 8 keepers. Spots and largemouth with one smallie.
  20. That's a fat brown! You didn't put quotation marks around "working", so I assume you will actually do some work during your stay? 😀
  21. Once your busy schedule clears up, we need to get out and chase them.
  22. Basically the same principle as the NuTech design, except it is a wire weed guard instead of plastic. Really sharp and stout hook. Getting hung up less also keeps me from going in and getting over the hang trying to retrieve it and spooking the fish. The fish are tough to find right now, I sure don't want to find some and then spook them.
  23. That's a big craw! Somebody bring some craw traps to the next Jigfest.
  24. I had to take a defensive driving class to get a military drivers license. Even though that was 45 years ago, I still remember some of the main points. One of those is that there are no accidents, but there are crashes.
  25. First time out on the lake since June 26. Cool temps to begin, I think I saw 67 on the truck when I pulled in to the ramp at 0530, I even felt a little cold running down the lake. It warmed up quickly. Fishing started off pretty slow, I think I caught 8 or so and a walleye by 8 AM. One here and there kind of thing. A few weeks ago I caught a bunch of fish off of a brush pile that sits in 15 FOW. Gave it a try again today, not really expecting much, but they were still there. Caught 20 in and around that pile, a bite every cast deal. Most of them came on a Yamamoto Hula Grub on a 3/8 oz head slowly dragged through the pile. A few also came on a drop shot around the periphery of the pile. Eventually they stopped biting, and I moved to another pile I knew about that was similar as to being off a gravel bank and without any other cover nearby. The 2nd pile only produced 3 bass, but 2 of them were chunky keeper largemouth. Both of them had a buddy that followed them to the boat. One of those buddies was a big bass that dwarfed the 16" fish I had on the line. I fished around that pile for a while trying to get big mama but she wasn't having anything to do with me. There were some random topwater outbreaks, I caught 4 on top, none of them of any size. Final result was 32 bass and a walleye, 6 of the bass were keepers. I used a Gamakatsu weedless ballhead for the Hula Grub, I dragged that thing through brush all morning and never broke one off by getting snagged. Here's a link if anyone is interested: Gamakatsu 26R Weedless Ball Head Jig 3pk - Tackle Warehouse WT 87, boat traffic was not too bad today.
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