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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Today on the Outdoor channel. I believe 1 PM central. Probably will rerun Friday AM.
  2. One of the annoying things about this whole outbreak is that every government organization, federal state, county and city are issuing their own guidelines and rules. And it's a daily thing, doesn't seem to be any long range planning or thinking going on, just a lot of day to day reaction to the latest news or appeasing the media who are asking the same questions over and over again at the seemingly endless news conferences being held at every level. Govt. needs to be working on making sure food gets to grocery stores, utilities still function, health care supplies are getting to where they need to be and so on, rather than closing boat ramps. My latest annoyance is this recommendation at the national level that people should wear face masks - well where the bleep are you going to get EFFECIVE face masks? And I do take this whole thing seriously, I'm not a naysayer.
  3. Might be time to send some emails to local politicians and the governor. No need for a fishing ban. I imagine most pols are not serious fishermen if they go at all, and they probably have an image of opening day at a trout park as to what fishing is.
  4. This years' Classic will air on ESPN2 at the following times: Something to watch, this year's Classic will air in 3 installments (times are Eastern): April 5, 11 AM Day1 April 12, 10 AM Day2 April 19, 10 AM Day3
  5. Something to watch, this year's Classic will air in 3 installments (times are Eastern): April 5, 11 AM Day1 April 12, 10 AM Day2 April 19, 10 AM Day3 On ESPN2.
  6. Market has certainly taken a hit, but this has been a long Bull run since, I believe it was March 2009 when the S&P 500 bottomed out around 670. Don't know the exact close today, but I believe it was around 2450. I've always looked at things with a long view, and I firmly believe we'll recover from this, my view isn't as long as it used to be now that I am 62, but I'm still looking out to about 20 years. The one thing you don't want to do unless you are in financial dire straits is sell at a market bottom.
  7. Nice boat, fish should've treated you better.
  8. Those are some great fish, congrats!
  9. Dude, you struck gold!
  10. I have an uncle who is an avid fisherman, he has 2 sons, my cousins, who absolutely will not go fishing. My uncle would force them to go fishing with him when they were kids, and it just ruined them for fishing.
  11. Just got back from my weekly trip to Wally World. They've made some changes - you can only use one entrance, there's a sort of barricaded pathway you take to the door, and every 6 feet there's a sign telling you to maintain 6 foot distance. They had a gal passing out shopping carts one at a time, she was wiping them down before giving it to the first person in line, and there wasn't really a line, store was about normal as far as the number of people in there at 0930 on a weekday. The store was fairly well stocked, fresh meat and hamburger available. However still no TP or hand sanitizer.
  12. Good idea on the plastic bag!
  13. Well I am eyeballing people a little more closely in the store and I will wait for someone to get out of the way if they are front of something I want, basically I avoid getting close to anyone. I also keep my trips to the store at a minimum.
  14. Nice mask Randy, and good on the folks that are making them. If don't have sewing skills, there are tons of UV Buffs out there still (kind of surprises me there hasn't been a run on them), made out of stretchy material and in a pinch you could probably use one to hold a filter.
  15. Shoot, I'd love a day like that too, it's fun to get a bunch on a spinner bait.
  16. Always been hit or miss for me chasing whites in the back of Indian, either they are there in mass quantities or it seems there are hardly any around. The other coves off Indian will get them in the backs too if the water is running in. Rain coming in this weekend will put some in there I bet.
  17. Red buds have definitely popped here in NWA, and the guy I was fishing with today did catch a couple of whites, but we were targeting black bass and walleye. Talked to a buddy of mine and he says he and his son really got into the whites on Sunday in a cove in the Indian creek area of Beaver lake. I have a dogwood in my back yard that is just about ready to bloom.
  18. Fished with Tom from Eagle Rock today, very nice spring day, but slow fishing. We caught 15 or so bass, only two were keepers and both keepers were smallmouth. Started off swimming Keitechs of points and rocky banks, that is where the two keepers came from, along with a couple of shorts, 3 keeper walleye and a couple of white bass. Finished up the day back in the main channel of Indian creek where we got some Ned fish, which were all 12-13" spots and a couple of largemouth. Had a good puller that got off, but no keeper sized fish to the boat. Most fish were off the bank in 5-15 FOW. Little bit of a green stain to the water up in Indian creek, clear water down by the dam.
  19. Hope your in-laws pull through, I think that it's a good sign that they did not develop the respiratory effects.
  20. Thanks for the report, good to see some being caught!
  21. Oh, man! 4 pages of boot advice and no one thought to ask if you unlaced your boots before putting them on/off. LOL!
  22. Nice! I didn't get a whole lot of bites on Beaver today, but they whacked it pretty good when they did, as you experienced. Keitech for me.
  23. Put the boat in the water about 0645 just as it was getting light. Not much wind and a cloudy morning. Saw a little surface activity early right out in front of the launch, thought there might be a striper or two out there, tossed a pencil popper at them, but the only taker was a 13" spotted bass. Gave up on them after a bit and headed for the bank to toss Keitechs. It was a tough slog for most of the morning, by noon I had 5 bass and 2 walleye, 2 of the bass were keepers, 15-16" fish, one largemouth and one smalls. Both of the wallies were keepers, one being a solid 20" fish. About noon the bite picked up a bit, caught 4 more bass, 3 of them being keepers smallies and added another keeper walleye. I don't know if they started biting or I happened upon the right place to fish, but it was nice to find a decent bite to close out the day. I'm slow rolling the 3.3 Kietech on a 1/4 oz head. I like to roll it for a few feet, then kill it for a second or two, then repeat. Most bites are coming when it drops, or right when I start swimming it again after the drop. Points, rocky banks, and secondary points inside coves were the best places to have a chance at a bite, hard to know where those places are going to be, no sign of fish or bait, but every once in a while you'll run into a bite. WT 54-56, water pretty clear with a little bit of a green stain back in the front of Indian creek.
  24. What ramp is that?
  25. Quillback

    What's Cooking?

    Deep frying some hybrid chunks right now, baking some steak fries, and simmering some of Bush's beans out of the can. Gourmet cookin'!
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