Didn't get to the lake until 11 AM, had some stuff to take care of in the early AM. Still pretty cold when I got there, mid forties and temps increased a bit as the day went on. Water temp was around 67.
My plan was to fish the dam area for smallies which is what I started out doing, throwing cranks, jigs and the shaky head worm. 2 hours later all I had was a couple of bumps and no fish in the boat so I headed up Indian to see if I could find some fish up there. Was tossing the jig when I noticed a bunch of fish on the sonar suspended in 30 FOW. Only thing I had available for suspenders was a jerkbait, so started tossing it and working it hard, no pauses like I would use in cold water jerk tossing. Started getting spotted bass on it, very location dependent, when you could find them, they'd bite, but finding them was difficult and when I did find them, they'd usually be moving. Put 10 spots in the boat, no big ones, 12-15" fish. Did manage to catch one smallie on a crank for the last fish of the day.
Had a double on the Pointer 95.