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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Quillback

    Bella Vista

    Windsor is pretty clear also.
  2. I would not hesitate to swap out the hooks if I thought they were a problem. I've seen several videos where KVD himself recommends changing out the hooks on Strike King lures, and he is probably Strike King's most visible spokesman.
  3. Got this pic sent to me via a newsletter from AFLC tackle. They claim the fish are schooling rainbows, and they had a shot of a guy who caught one that weighed 28 lbs. I'll never make it to Argentina to fish, but sure looks like some good fishing to be had,
  4. Bad stuff can happen: http://www.pressreader.com/usa/northwest-arkansas-democrat-gazette/20150705/281505044882373
  5. First game I have missed watching and they win. May be something to that. I think every game in this series has been decided by one goal.
  6. Drove over it yesterday, it was up, water stained green, but not blown out. My guesstimation is that it will be fine by mid-week.
  7. Some nice fish for sure.
  8. Probably only happens if something seriously goes wrong, as in a boat wreck or client falls out of the boat and drowns. That's where you will get some scrutiny from a legal standpoint. Maximum penalty? Civil suit can ruin you financially.
  9. First off, congrats to Carl W with big bass at 3.79. Ned fish I believe. Sorry for no pics, I just got too busy at the end and completely forgot to get the camera out. Quite a few decent bass in the 2.75-3.25 range were weighed in. Many of the folks I talked to reported good numbers of fish caught, I thought it would be tough with the cold front and lake rising several feet in the last day, but the folks did well. Ned, Shaky head, Keitech and fluke were what I heard they were catching them on. Food was fantastic, chili and dogs, burgers, Peruvian potato salad, several tasty salads, rice crispy bars, cookies, and some other stuff, too much for me to remember. Amazing how much food a couple of dozen hungry fisher people can consume, LOL. Thanks to all of you who brought stuff. Thanks for the contributions to the Christian Action Ministries, a good program that feeds people in the Springfield area. Let's do it again next year!
  10. Good to see you there Randy, have to add Robert and Karen to the thanks list for setting up the pavilion and the great chili and pulled pork. BTW Randy, that big thing of salad you made sure did disappear fast.
  11. never mind, I got in using my email address instead of my user name.
  12. Anyone logged into the Bassmaster fantasy page lately? Tried to log on, but it acts like my log on is invalid. Attmepted to do a pwd reset but never received a reply from them.
  13. Nice fish! I did some bank beating myself late this winter on Table Rock, fun to get them from the bank.
  14. Bruins lost again, it is looking bleak.
  15. The "Wonders of Wildlife" exhibit in Springfield is set to open this September, which will add to the destination value of the Springfield BPS. Memphis Pyramid also has the tourist destination draw going for it. I don't know how JM can afford all of that stuff, but he must be making a pile of dough off his operations.
  16. Seems like I remember something like that being advertised years ago back about 1970. Put your bait in the container like you are saying.
  17. Some really nice smallies!
  18. Probably a pretty stinky fire. A mix of plastic and squid burning, ugh.
  19. I really like the Yellow Magic Havana, it's a walk-the-dog bait. Worked very well for me last year. It's still a good sized lure, but more subtle. I've heard Mr. Babler speak highly of the Yellow Magic popper, the small version is 1/4 oz. Yozuri wack-o's have worked well for me at times also, they discontinued them, but they pop up on Ebay. Small pencil popper that spits and has a bit of walk the dog to it. http://www.ebay.com/itm/2-Yo-Zuri-WACK-O-Topwater-Fishing-Lures-3-8-ounce-3-5-8-in-Floating-GSSH-HGBL-/361958534470?hash=item544668ed46:g:BAIAAOSwuLZY5AEZ
  20. I like the action, has a good waking/rolling movement, the tail spinner spins freely, and it has an internal rattle that you can hear as it is retrieved. It's a big, noisy wake bait, makes a Redfin look like a finesse bait. Something to throw if you want to go big and loud. It is heavy, 7/8 oz, so you can launch it out there. Kind of like the 130 size plopper as far as castability.
  21. Having spent a few years chasing steelhead in the Pacific Northwest, I can tell you that steelhead fisherman are the most secretive types in the world of fishing. Not just about locations, but baits, techniques etc. If I was going to ask JoeD or anyone about where they were, I'd do it in a PM, and if he didn't want to reveal the location, I'd understand.
  22. Thanks for the replies!
  23. What brand/size do you use for the 2.8 Keitech? I am not getting many bites on the 3.8, and the heads I have for those are too big.
  24. Weather channel is calling for "occasional" light rain with a brisk north wind. The kind of weather Champ & Donna love. Might be a good walleye bite, LOL. We're still on, unless they change to forecast to snow and ice.
  25. Bruins lost 2nd OT game in a row. Ugh.
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