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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. I like it, catch the fish and then release them instead of hauling them back to the ramp. They used something similar at the TTBC held on Fork this year. With the slot limit they have on Fork, that's about the only way you can have a tourney there.
  2. Quillback

    World Cup

    Yeah hammy pulls are tough.
  3. Does it have a courtesy dock? More importantly, how was the fishing?
  4. I have seen him several times, usually he's moving on down the lake at a good clip.
  5. That sounds tasty!
  6. Some people like that book, I read it, but it was a struggle.
  7. Slither - I think I understand. I wonder if TW will have a 4th of July sale?
  8. Quillback

    World Cup

    Word is that Altidore will likely miss the game vs Belgium.
  9. Quillback

    World Cup

    Well Brazil survived Chile.
  10. Interesting...
  11. Couple of nice kings - those things are bulldog fighters.
  12. A couple of beautiful smallies!
  13. Yep, I can't stay up late, but I can wake up at 0300 to go fishing. 47 miles to the ramp, a little less than an hour. Hopefully, you'll get that spondalosis whipped soon and get back out there.
  14. Cloudy weather kept them off?
  15. I take a nap, and I'm still ready for bed by 9 PM.
  16. Very nice!
  17. Very nice!
  18. Quillback

    World Cup

    As long as the US stays in, I'll stay interested. But if (when) they get knocked out, I'll tune it out until the championship game.
  19. Eh?
  20. If I could stay awake, I'd be night fishing.
  21. The disappearance of the top water bite is also a head scratcher. The shad are around, but just don't see schooling bass chasing them. As Bill was saying, the bass I've caught the last few trips have been spitting up craws. Maybe there's an abundance of craws and the bass are keying on them and ignoring shad. I hope we see a drop shot bite this summer, sure is fun to get into those hard pulling spots on light spinning gear.
  22. Very nice!
  23. Bill is right, it was tough, it was much better a couple of days ago. I picked up one here and there fishing c-rigged Trick worms, several different plastics on the wobbler, one jig fish, and one Old Monster fish. I stayed shallow, fished in front of buck brush and rocky edges. Just one here and there, can't find a consistent pattern or a concentration of feeding fish. I started at 0530 also, saw some top water activity for 30 minutes or so and then it just shut down. I saw lots of shad flipping in the shallows, but no bass bothering them - weird. Next time I see Rps out there, I may have to ask him for a couple of crawlers.
  24. Yeah good point, you'd think Apple would take a look at it. They were saying yesterday that the CEO of Gopro is now an instant billionaire.
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