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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. I must have seen you, but didn't pick you out of all the boats out there. I mainly fished around the Pt 23 area. For me it was all about spots, I caught 19, 3 were keepers, all in the Ned rig. I caught a dozen of them off one point that had trees and they were all out in about 20 feet. Other than that it was some scattered fish, catching one here and there. Never got a bite on the Keitech. Never caught a walleye.
  2. That is a big ol' brown.
  3. I don't think I have seen a single loon in the upper White this winter, very few gulls too. Seeing very few shad too.
  4. I have caught them in Washington, but it was incidental to steelhead and salmon fishing. Some of the lakes out there have them and when they spawn, which I believe is in the fall, they'll run up the tribs in decent numbers. I don't know if you'll get any replies with an X marks the spot in Idaho or Oregon. I believe that if you do the research, find the streams that hold them, maybe look for ones that are out of the way and hard to get to, you'll find some fish.
  5. That is some great fishing! Looking forward to some days with moderate winds and warm temps.
  6. Ended up not watching the KY/Mizzou game as the Bruins hockey game and the Hogs BB game overlapped it. But congrats to them for beating KY, Mizzou might be able to creep into the top 25 with that win. Hogs lost to LSU, close game, but would've liked to see the win an SEC road game. They are young and hopefully can learn from this game. They are not a 3 shooting team and need to stop taking threes from 1-3 feet beyond the line with plenty of time on the clock. They also need to tighten up their interior defense, LSU players would make a cut and have a clear path to the hoop, no help coming from the weak side defenders. Hey - Next Wednesday Mizzou comes to Fayetteville!
  7. I'll set it up to record. I watched them beat the Illini, they shot the lights out the 1st half. I'll root for anyone playing KY.
  8. These bowl games have become meaningless. When the expanded playoffs start, they become even more meaningless. I will be watching the Hogs play LSU today (hoops).
  9. Man, please don't bring down the wrath of Rick upon me! 🥵
  10. The folks that lived down the street from me bred Pomeranians, well the wife did. They have since moved away, but the wife was thinking of breeding them again. Anyways they had a couple and if they were outside and saw me, they'd come running towards me barking all the way. They were combed out like cotton balls so you could not see their legs while they were running so it looked like they were levitating over the ground. Big panic one day when one of them disappeared, turns out the dog hid underneath a bed, but for several hours the search was on!
  11. Quillback


    Sending up the bat signal for Marty @BilletHeadhe can make anything taste good. If he says they aren't any good to eat, then they aren't any good to eat. 😃
  12. I bet they'll work. I know someone that boated a 7+ walleye on a Rapala Ice Jig a couple of weeks ago.
  13. Just walking out on the dock is enough I am sure. I have to walk my dog several times a day, it is unbelievable how cold it is with that wind blowing.
  14. Good luck Phil, it is cold out there!
  15. Not me. What would get you is getting out of the water with that arctic wind blowing. Brrrrr......
  16. Something has to control those darn cats.
  17. Well, you don't have to worry about other fishermen getting in your way.
  18. I'll have to watch it.
  19. Just a dusting of snow here so far, but radar shows some on the way. I don't know how cold it is, but it is ridiculous out there right now.
  20. Bfishn @bfishn, claims the stripers will be biting in this weather. Does make me wonder if there is anyone out there fishing on Table Rock, Stockton, or Beaver. Has to be a least one boat out there somewhere.
  21. The leading edge of the front has just arrived. Walked the dog at 0500, wasn't too bad out. Now the wind has picked up and temps are dropping.
  22. No thanks.
  23. They look like comfortable seats, what do you think of them Dutch as far as comfort?
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