My point is, spend less time and effort on DWI and take care of the Don't need to Drives. Driving skills have gone down the tubes. I drive a company truck on a daily basis. On a daily basis, I get passed on a street or county road while driving the speed limit and get the look, a finger, or some other gesture as they go around. I can't drive thru the City of Cape Girardeau without seeing a run red light or have someone pull out or change lanes that requires a braking to avoid. The speed limit is 35 in most of the town and they have at least one rollover accident a month. That is hard to pull off at normal city speeds on nice level city streets.
And its not the cell phone fault that I have noticed unless they are on bluetooth. It is just pure bad driving skills. I would much rather spend a day driving in St. Louis than one in Cape Girardeau.
Quit spending money, effort, and enforcement dollars on a minimal problem of drinking and driving and go after something else that is worse.