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Everything posted by jdmidwest

  1. That took a little planning. If they had used walkie talkies, they would have gotten away with it.
  2. Pretty short eye relief. No dimple in forehead? The base should have caught on the slots in the mount. Did it walk over them too?
  3. So you are the one texting at a green light that flips the bird when I honk to wake you up.
  4. I used to do food inventory on a Commodore 64. Wrote the spreadsheet and all. Double sided floppy disk and all. It was a huge advancement from the dialup mainframe and Apple 2 c that we had in the labs at college.
  5. We have more computing power now in our cell phones than what went to the moon the first time. It is still far more impressive putting a man on the moon with the limited tech that was available back then. It does not really take that much to trouble shoot a pc now days.
  6. With Driver Error and Distracted Driving being the leading cause of accidents, why not start targeting that group? Start spending money and effort to try and reduce accidents and promote better driving. My favorite is the blue hair with a dog on the lap and a cell phone in hand. Probably goofed up on meds too. I drive mostly during daylight hours and early evening. Seldom am I out on roads after 8 pm. I want more protection from idiots during the time I am on the roads, not while I am home drinking a few beers and watching the TV.
  7. Then there are the ones with dogs on their laps.
  8. My point is, spend less time and effort on DWI and take care of the Don't need to Drives. Driving skills have gone down the tubes. I drive a company truck on a daily basis. On a daily basis, I get passed on a street or county road while driving the speed limit and get the look, a finger, or some other gesture as they go around. I can't drive thru the City of Cape Girardeau without seeing a run red light or have someone pull out or change lanes that requires a braking to avoid. The speed limit is 35 in most of the town and they have at least one rollover accident a month. That is hard to pull off at normal city speeds on nice level city streets. And its not the cell phone fault that I have noticed unless they are on bluetooth. It is just pure bad driving skills. I would much rather spend a day driving in St. Louis than one in Cape Girardeau. Quit spending money, effort, and enforcement dollars on a minimal problem of drinking and driving and go after something else that is worse.
  9. Cold weather is here and the junk science is swelling out of my internet connection. I just have to put my 2 cents into this "scientific study". It is my personal experience that there are a fair amount of people on the road every day that should not be driving, period. Either too old, too stupid, or too distracted. Then there is that other one that I am not going into, but this study points out that one single chromosome makes a difference. Impaired drivers make up a small portion of the accidents I see on a daily basis. Why don't we just spend more time and money on drivers education and teach people how to drive instead? Or we can just drive around stoned on the state sanctioned pot factories. http://www.kfvs12.com/story/37285019/science-panel-backs-lower-drunken-driving-threshold
  10. Sounds like a local off breed co. Somebody go help the man. Too far for me to drive.
  11. I love a good .410, its a shame that shells are so expensive for them. That was my first shotgun, field grade model 42 Winchester in full choke. I nailed everything from squirrels to turkey with it. It was my great uncles that was supposed to go to me when he passed. His family had an auction of all his guns and I never got a chance at it. I ran across it at a gun show a few years back with a $1700 price tag on it. The blood stain on the barrel where the blueing came off and scars on the receiver where I dropped it was what gave it away. I have seen it several times since then on the same table at other shows, but can't seem to part with the money for it. I have a single barrel that I use, bought it for the daughter. I will inherit the Winchester single shot that Grandpa used to carry when Dad goes on. I will even have a nice little .410 Judge that Dad had to have for his little rattlesnake problem then too.
  12. Pumping the exhaust into the water filters it out just fine.
  13. Not me, did MDC create that one too? I yearn for the old days when it was all MDC bashin.
  14. Dam, MDC brought bigfoots here too. First the otters, then the pigs, then mountain lions and bears. Now a bigfoot. What kind of a sh--hole state are we running here?
  15. Dropped from 59 to 35 degrees here on the drive home tonite. I think winter is still hanging around.
  16. Check all screws on stock to make sure they are still tight. I had forearm screws back out on the Stoeger and gun went bezerk. Thought I had blown a scope. Went from hero to zero all of a sudden, scratched my head for a while, jacked with it a couple of afternoons. Then noticed the screws on the forearm were wobbly. Blue loc tite and a few pellets got me back in the black.
  17. $500 is still a long way from a centerfire after you add scope.
  18. Messy but they eat lots of bugs. I need to thin the sparrows out from the feeders. They fly in and scatter the food all over the ground picking out what they want. Nasty invasive species like the starlings.
  19. Interesting to see where the lower end Walther is made. S&W imported the handguns several years back. Then they partnered with Umarex and distributed them out of Fort Smith Ark. Looks like the high end Olympic grade stuff is still made in Germany by Carl Walther Sportwaffen. Combination of the two companies has probably helped the Umarex out, they make some quality stuff now.
  20. Yep. Let me know when you cook some up, I'll drop by and let you feed me.
  21. Drive to Springfield.
  22. Crap, I missed the fishing thing at Collinsville this weekend?
  23. Why are we back to carp again. I was just getting interested in the beaver sidetrack.
  24. I am going to pull a carp on this one. Leave NO Trace
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