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Everything posted by jdmidwest

  1. 4 months of Chemo and Radiation has brought him to the completion of his treatments. PET and CT scans around Christmas showed the tumor had shrunk to almost nothing. He will undergo some more tests in the following weeks to find out the final verdict. He is in good spirits and has survived the ordeal. His care at Siteman and Barnes went well. I think we have another cancer survivor. Thanks for all of your prayers.
  2. Going to work yesterday, the radio had the daily quiz going. 49% of people think this should happen on Valentines Day. The correct answer was "Get the Day Off". Seriously, a national holiday for it?? Looks like 100 percent on here take it about as serious as it should be taken. Nobody even remembers the original reason, remembering two slain guys named Valentine by the Roman Church.
  3. I called a buddy a while ago to wish him "happy birthday" since Valentine Day is his too. He was eating Mexican at his fav restaurant. I found her a quick way to get her card read.
  4. Just came across this analysis on Fishing Tackle Retailer. http://fishingtackleretailer.com/gander-mountain-reportedly-preparing-for-bankruptcy-what-went-wrong/ I have been to the market in Jackson, TN. At the time, it was a destination stop for me on the way fishing to TN waters. I found some good deals there on fishing and ammo and always walked out with something. But then Academy opened up locally and I stroll thru Gander empty handed.
  5. Valentines Day, a time for lovers and planting early garden. I stopped by the local Dollar General yesterday to find my annual offering to the better half for Valentine's Day. I strolled back to the card isle and find a love sick youth in his early 20's reading each card trying to find just the right one. Not me, I am a seasoned pro. Shacked up with the same woman for 18 years, battle hardened by a nasty divorce, and wounded by many loves lost, I could pick out a card in seconds. Quick glance at the headings at the top of the card shelf, Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Wife, Husband, Transgender, Si Espanoil. Bingo, I will get her a card that requires her to learn Spanish to find out how I truly feel about her this year. She is sooo lucky to have me on this unholy day.
  6. I cleaned off a raised bed after work today and planted some Alaska Snow Peas and 3 types of leaf lettuce. Its Valentines Day tradition.
  7. I like Academy. I picked up a nice auto inflate vest on sale back in the fall for $59, marked down from $89. Same vest everywhere else was $129. I have found they have good prices on ammo and a good supply. Magellan clothing is not too bad either. When they discount Columbia wear, it can get pretty reasonable.
  8. I see a lot less suckers now that gigging is a sport. Suckers should be upgraded to game fish for protection.
  9. I think it is because they are "rough fish", not to be confused with the pretty "game fish" they like to breed and protect.
  10. I fish TN tailwaters alot. Pickwick Dam is under rehab now, there is an area of concern where it may fail in a major earthquake on one area. Center Hill has a unique area we found trout to be gathered in, looked like a spring coming out of the base of a bluff. But, water from the lake above had worked its way around the dam on the bluff side and made a hole. I don't think there was a plan to fix that, but the other side was going thru a rehab in the earthen part. The dam above Center Hill created a big gusher thru a bluff that made a nice waterfall too. Best way to avoid any issues, just don't live downstream. I have seen many get flooded out along the Mississippi River over the year and the only fault is that they picked a poor place to build a house.
  11. The overflow spillway worked like it was supposed to. I don't think they worried that the Corps were ever gonna lose Wappappello Dam though. It almost went over in 1999, but they sandbagged it and raised the level on the main dam wall instead.
  12. As long as you are "Clark", you are on our page.
  13. There you go, I have never been North of I-70, drove it one time, may have pulled over on the north side to take a leak. But never ventured far from it. That is, once it leaves St. Louis and St. Charles.
  14. That is what I see on my end. His auto correct is messed up.
  15. The simplicity of the bait is the ability to use what is already in your box. I have used both cut Zinkers and the pre-made ones. I think the cut ones catch more fish, only because the Z Man has not come out with the secret colors that work.
  16. I give up, he surely means BPS?
  17. Peters Boat Shop? PBS?? Nothing wrong with Academy Sports, they were the only one brave enough to test the market in our area.
  18. I think Cabelas bought them out years ago when they were a large mail order catalog business. They went away for a while, then came back as retail stores. Funny how most of the majors started out as catalog mail order businesses with one home based retail shop. Cabela's, Bass Pro, Herter's, Gander Mountain all started that way.
  19. Interesting. I have a couple extra of those buttons. Time to google wireless fog lights.
  20. I could wire some backup lights into the trailer, I have 2 spare wires now since I rewired it after the mouse. Point them down and it would illuminate the ground too. I like that idea. I swapped out the reverse bulbs with the new hi intensity led bulbs from Auto Zone, I think that was money down the drain, can't see an increase. I could wire new lights like driving lights and put them on a switch. Turn them on when I need it. That light would work with any thing I pull and have to back up. I know the little boat and trailer is a pain on duck ramps backing it up too. But then I usually have a spotter.
  21. New trailer is narrower and all black, old one was wider with white fenders. It does not show up as well. Plenty of marker lights now after evicted mouse and fixed wiring. I think I could wire leds into backup wiring an make them work, they don't pull a lot of amps.
  22. Ok, the eyes are getting older and the boat trailer is getting longer. What does everyone do to increase rear vision when backing up trailers? I have a long driveway shrouded by trees, and it is usually late at night coming home with the new boat and trailer. I need something bright to light up the rear so I can see driveway better. The Sequoia has too many blind spots, small mirrors, and too old for backup camera standard. What do I need, night vision?
  23. I have seen them fly, not much time to yell "pull" before they whack you in the head, much less draw a bead. Lucky so far, never been hit, most jump away from boat. But they run rampant on the Mississippi feeder streams I have been on. Reelfoot has them also. So far, not a problem in TN River.
  24. All this is true. Bees carry chemicals back into hives and they build up in wax. I have been treatment free and don't use chemicals in hives. I have tried to keep down pests by management and non chemical things like that swiffer pad. I am bringing in new genetics this spring that are mite resistant. I am spraying they ground around hives to kill beetles before new ones arrive.
  25. I carry a stick of the JBweld putty in the jet boat for minor gashes. Goes on wet. Cures in water.
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