The numbers were there this year , notice past tense not present ....unreal how many BIG female walleye was caught and taken out of the river...I’m totally against keeping females regardless of size with eggs in them this time of year and I do not keep them , I catch, photo and release’s very simple , yet every “only fish for walleye in the spawn redneck “won’t grasp it every walleye they catch and unlike RPS they are way over their possession limit’s not just Kings it happens below Beaver Dam and whats worse down there you got guides targeting these big females...I’m definitely in the minority on this topic but walleye is my fishing passion and it burns to see how some treat a great resource.... I seen a picture of a walleye that was caught out of Kings that was said to have weighed 16lbs , probably did it was big.....they shock Beaver tailwaters each year along with Kings River and upper white river that feeds into Beaver lake.