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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. Dutch

    Crappie, 10-7

    It is always a possibility but this was a local country guy. He had the look and demeanor of someone who knew what he was doing.
  2. Dutch

    Crappie, 10-7

    I was talking with a kayak angler a couple of weeks ago at Bait Masters. He was heading to Aldrich. During our conversation he said that he had caught and released a muskie up in the Little Sac this summer. He said it drug his yak all over the place before he got it landed.
  3. Pro Craft was a good mid line boat that was taking a chunk out of the Nitro market thus bought out and closed down like so many others. One of my buds has an 01 18’ with. 175. It is a really nice boat.
  4. Thanks for the info. I will tell him. I can’t imagine that he is mechanic enough to do that. If he wants to see it in person I will get back to you.
  5. I told a neighbor about it. He was wondering what it would cost to get the power head and have it installed.
  6. Gravel lot concrete ramp at Bridgeport.
  7. It isn’t just bass fishermen, I had a pontoon go between me and the bank one time. I also had a guy try to troll between me and the bank while I was catching whites. It was cold and windy. I was very shallow. He did not make it. He ran aground. He was trying to figure out how to get out of there as pulled the tmotor fired up and drove away.
  8. Some thing made the critters friendly today. We had a couple of dozen turkeys in the hay bottom. On the way to inspect some fence I saw 7 deer up Bland Spring Hollow and at the top of the hill another 15 fo 20 turkeys. Grand kids may have a ball this fall.
  9. I don’t do streams. My boat is too big.
  10. It has been spoken for.
  11. It definitely is when fishing for white bass.
  12. This is a new battery, never used. It has 190 rc, 800 cca, 1190 mca, 100 ah. It has a 36 month warranty. It sells for $338.00. I need more rc so I am asking $250 for it picked up in the Springfield area. I’d also give $20 credit if you could bring a battery for a core exchange.
  13. I did an afternoon trip today to Rouark. A little spinnerbait chunking and windIng produced 7 blacks but no keepers. I decided to try for some eating fish and wound up catching 43 whites so it was close to a good day.
  14. What is the reserve capacity of that battery?
  15. I may go back on Sunday myself because next just go busy.
  16. With the wind forecast I decided to try for some whites. I have an arbitrary number which is 50 whites to make a good day. I didn't get on the water until 9:45. I hit a likely looking spot and stayed on it for 2 hours. Thank you Minn Kota for spot lock and spot lock jog. By 11:45 I had my 50 so I pulled out and had lunch. After lunch I tried the Arig. I caught a few but not many. So I decided to dance with the girl that brung. I finished up with 69. I brought a limit home.
  17. Dutch

    CC Bridge?

    Have any of you guys been there lately? With the water 6’ low I’m just wondering how it looks.
  18. Dutch


    The outlook for the near future doesn’t look promising to me. The wind finder shows changing winds almost every day. That doesn’t allow the food chain to become localized like it needs to be for those highly productive trips. Combine that with the low water I may stick to green fish this fall.
  19. That is kind of like the guy wouldn't seek help after being bitten by a cottonmouth because he did not have insurance. He died. But what the heck, you can't fix stupid.
  20. I saw 65° to 68°.
  21. I was able to get out for only 3 hours today. It was an ok morning. I had 10 spinnerbait fish, one crankbait fish and 2 on shaky. I missed a few and lost a few but I’ll take 13 in 3 hours most days. I had 5 keepers and 8 shorts. The only spinnerbait that got a bite was the bleeding shad.
  22. Dutch


    Please check your pm.
  23. Dutch


    I was swimming a Ned rig yesterday catching greenies on windy flat points. There were some whites mixed in. I kept half a dozen for the fryer. They are in the fridge waiting for dinner.
  24. Dutch


    I have been putting Bar Bait in their holes. We haven’t seen any near the barn since early summer.
  25. You are correct. It was butt ugly but still a W.
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