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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. Color doesn't seem to matter. I caught fish on at least 7 different colors Monday and 4 or 5 different colors today. I have bought every color that I have found in stores and have caught fish on all of them. If I were just taking one color it would be the Deal.
  2. I bought an aqua view a couple of years ago. It turned out to be worthless.
  3. I only had the morning to fish. I got started at 08:00 and quit at 12:00. That is 240 minutes. In that time I caught 30 bass. 8 of them were keepers. 1 of the keepers was a spot which is rare for me. I usually catch some but rarely one over 15". I never had a keeper brown fish, the other 7 keepers were greenies. They were shallower than the last time. I never got a fish deeper than about 6 feet, lots of them were in about 2 fow. I caught them on spinnerbaits, craws and the little guy. I lost several TRDs and tied on a different color each time. I caught fish on all of the colors, even bubble gum. I also caught fish every place that I stopped. I sure hope all of the "tourists" don't drive them deep before I can get back down there next week.
  4. Great day again. I hope the pattern holds because I headed down there in the morning. I have a new craw mold that I want to try out and see if I wasted $90 on it.
  5. Dutch

    Warriors v Rockets

    It will be interesting to see what happens in Houston. I don't much care for Hardin but am a CP3 fan.
  6. I make my own and put in a coated cable weed guard.
  7. Great day there pard. It has been a long time since this old man could do an 11 hour day in the boat. 6-7 is all I can handle these days. When are you going back? I plan to give it a shot on Thursday. I'm afraid things will change after all the turbulence over the holiday.
  8. The fish were very aggressive yesterday. We had several hooked very deep and had to go through the gills to get the hooks out. It rarely happens to me with worms or Ned but it sure did yesterday.
  9. Boat was in about 11 fow and I threw the little guy to the back of a pocket so I'm guessing 4-6' maybe some shallower. We found no fish on the bank. They seemed to be from around 4- 15' deep. We did not really fish deeper than 15. Several fish were caught parallel in front and behind the boat.
  10. No we stayed on the Big Sac all day long between Hartley and Mutton.
  11. We put in at Hartley today looking for a top water bite. My partner was using a frog and I was using a Whopper Plopper. We had one blow up on the frog then nothing else. Spinnerbaits could not get a bite either. After close to an hour we switched to bottom baits and the catch was on. We used a variety of baits (jigs, craws, worms, and the little guy) in a lot of colors. We fished swags, pockets, straight banks, main lake points and secondary points to the south of Rouark. We caught at least 1 bass every where we stopped. We wound up catching 75 bass with 13 keepers and one really nice kicker. We also had 2 nice walleye.
  12. Fished out of Hartley Branch today. The water was very clear for this time of year.
  13. The lake has only come up 0.10' in the last 24 hours so I doubt there is much change except maybe up in the rivers. Either way I'll be on the water at 06:30 tomorrow.
  14. He was a nice guy when he worked for Champion. I see nothing has changed.
  15. I paid over $600 for an Aqua View. I couldn't see anything with it on Stockton so I gave it to my s-I-l to play with down at his dock on Table Rock.
  16. They were all we had before the gps and chart functions. I have a bunch of them in the rod closet in the garage. I haven't looked at them in years.
  17. I am kind of a gadget guy both boat and truck. I have a 2018 F250 with the adjustable blind spot. It works great when I am pulling my 5th wheel. I have it set for 13' behind the 30' trailer. It really makes it nice to know when I can safely pull out to pass. The back up camera is so much nicer than the one I had in my Chevy and the bed camera is great when I am hooking up my 5th wheel. It allows me to perfectly align the king pin to the hitch.
  18. We had about the same top water experience from Thompson Hollow to Big Wolf Pen. Lots of blow ups and only 1 taker on a top water. Caught some bucks on spinner baits, worms, and jigs. I don't think we had a keeper.
  19. Sounds lake a great time Straw Hat. I'd really like to have some steaks off a walleye that size. Good catching.
  20. I talked that situation over with the Highway Patrol as I night fish alone quite a bit and have run into a few drunks in the parking lots. The trouper told me to strap it on my hip and go get my truck when I came in from night fishing so that is what I do.
  21. I found a few shallow but my best day I was catching them in 16-19 fow and they were smack dab on the bottom.
  22. I'm saying I think it is possible for one to come that far. A very long time ago a friend of mine caught a 9 # stri[per in Flat Creek. Think how far that thing had to swim to come from Beaver lake.
  23. Only 10 bass today. 2 keepers. 1 spot and a 4.25 green fish.
  24. I am still catching prespawn females lmb, smb, and spots.
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