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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. It should be the H bridge as they worked on the Y a couple of years ago.
  2. Good goin' those things can be fun. Was this an am or pm trip?
  3. Thanks for the report. That is way better than I've been doing lately. This weather has me wanting to be on the water but I'm having issues with my back and couldn't possibly get up and down in the boat.
  4. I don't know how they aren't in the other lakes yet. I'm sure that some guys fish more than one of them and have the little hitch hikers on their boats or trailers when they leave Bull Shoals and switch to other lakes. For that reason alone I have quit fishing Bull Shoals. I don't want to be the guy who takes them to Pom or Stockton.
  5. Today was tougher than an old boot. I should have known that something was up when we arrived at Cedar Ridge and only 3 other rigs had launched. We fished until 1:30 then headed back. The lot was empty when we left. We only saw 2 other boats all day long. We wound up catching 9 with 3 keeps. Most of the fish were on home made tubes, gp and ps. The fish definitely were not associated with wood today but there was no rime nor reason to where they could be found. We fished from the 245 bridge up above High Point.
  6. I remember when it was. But sad to say that is in the past. Alcohol is one of the many things which no longer can be in my life.
  7. With the front coming in tomorrow I plan to go to Cedar Ridge and see if I can catch some green fish. I don't have any idea how deep they may be or how tight to cover they may be with the lake dropping like it has been but I plan to beat a lot of wood.
  8. There are several fishing docks on the lake. Crabtree Cove real close to Stockton has one.
  9. Approximately how many acres are you talking about?
  10. An upholstery shop should be able to do the job. Karen Gibbs in Republic has made a bunch of different things for me. If you don't have one closer you might give her a call.
  11. Wow that makes me glad the I opted for the X5 instead of the Xi5. Not quite so many things to go wrong. I hope you get back on the water soon.
  12. I fished mornings this week from early till around 11. By then sweat was dripping off my face on to my fat gut. A couple of mornings gave up only 2 or 3 bass the best morning gave 12. All of the fish were noggin heads with the exception of a few 15" fish. They did not seem to want anything moving quickly at all. Slow plastics in 10-15 fow was the best. Shallower and deeper did not give much. The surface temp ranged from 87° to 90°.
  13. I don't like the sound of that. I will be fishing all next week at Pommy and sure hoped for some good news. My fishing partner and his family were there last week. He said very few fish would hit a spinner bait or buzz bait. He had to go down and go slow to get them.
  14. This is the actual boat that I bought to replace my Champion
  15. I put in at Hartley Friday am and not a soul in sight. Fridays are usually busy with prefishers. I fished some spots in Hartley, moved over to Hawker and then saw a pontoon. I fished some spots there and left for the dam area. Down there I saw maybe 3 boats while I was fishing. Later I headed toward Mutton Creek to fish some main lake stuff. All day long I saw maybe 4 aluminum boats and 2 glitter sleds. It didn't take me long to find out why no one was there. The fish are on their after the fourth vacation. Only wound up catching a dozen small bass. I didn't even have hold of a keeper. I got some on spinner baits, some on worms and some on tubes. Some were near main lake points and some on bluffy banks. There was no real pattern and definitely no good bite. It was cloudy and the most pleasant day that I've seen in a long time, just not a good bite.
  16. She is sold. I'm going to fish her one more time then deliver her next week.
  17. The top one is mine the bottom is a War Eagle.
  18. I gave up on them because of the wire. I just get similar components and make my own now.
  19. There is no telling what you can use with all of the water flowing into Pommy. It looks like at least a 4' rise this past week. I hope they hold the water up till I get there on the 17th. http://waterdata.usgs.gov/mo/nwis/uv?cb_62614=on&format=html&site_no=06921325&period=&begin_date=2016-07-01&end_date=2016-07-04
  20. I haven't been there lately. The last time I was there 254 was closed. Is Tim's the one that used to be a Jehova's Witness church?
  21. This is my Champion 206 Elite. I've used it for a lot of years but am selling or trading in for either a new Ranger or Charger elite.
  22. I am not positive but it seems to me that the C store at the corner of Hwy 32 and Hwy D may carry them. If you would put in at Lightfoot you should be able to get them on the way there.
  23. The Honda is not your typical motor for that boat. It is on there because Honda is one of Charlie's sponsors. That boat will typically come with a 250 Pro XS.
  24. It will be higher than a Nitro but less than a Skeeter or Ranger. It is about the same price as a Phoenix.
  25. The development is coming slowly. They have had some vendor issues. Charlie Ingram got his last week. It is the one in the pics with the Honda motor. Kelly Power told me that as soon as he gets his he will be giving rides down at Aunt's Creek. I checked this am and his isn't finished yet. The boat is the old Champion 210 with Charger emblems on it. Kelly said it rides and handles just like the 210 did.
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