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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. Dutch


    When I had a big garden, I tilled it in the fall when everything was done one. Then I would do it again in the late winter after the ground thawed.
  2. You should see them eat at a restaurant when I am picking up the tab.
  3. There are 8 in their family.
  4. My grandson got a good one with a bow before rifle season. He got another one opening morning and my granddaughter got one this morning.
  5. They list them as do Northern Tools and Bass Pro but no one has any. That’s why I am looking for someone who has one.
  6. It keeps taking more clothes for me these days. I’m kicking around the idea of a heated vest. Do any of you guys have one or know anything about them?
  7. Victoria’s Secret by JAX. It is a hoot.
  8. Good luck. My thermometer says 19° right now.
  9. That is the most sensible thing I have heard from you.
  10. We have none here. It has been several years since deer season opened with snow.
  11. Nice Looking smallie and big old eye. Congrats on a good day.
  12. I fully enjoyed the day with you. It was good company and I rarely get to that part of the lake. I haven’t been there for several years and didn’t remember it being as wide as it is. Thanks again for a good day on the water. Had I been by myself instead of with a great guy full of local knowledge I probably wouldn’t have been able to catch anything.
  13. He caped it. We used the saw to cut off the head and feet. We bone them out in the field and leave the parts for yhe yotes. He has had better with a rifle and usually does a European mount but since it was with a bow he is having it mounted.
  14. We use a saws all with my itty bitty Harbor Freight generator out in the woods where we process them. We did this one this afternoon.
  15. Thanks. I’ll tell him about it.
  16. I would like to see a pic of the blower attachment. My neighbor needs one.
  17. Those pics look great. Maine is the only state that I have never visited.
  18. Have you tried using your DHS status to influence customs.
  19. It looks like that fish has a smile on its face.
  20. So Terrierman…how about this one?
  21. I enjoyed the day with Griz. He was quite a host. I got to watch him use his live scope and learned some stuff. It turns out that we have several friends in common. Thanks for the hospitality Griz.
  22. If you got an electric golf cart could you get to water somewhere?
  23. That sounds like an awesome morning. Congrats.
  24. These boys haven't been seen in daylight hours yet. Only the scrubs are around during the day.
  25. I’m not partial to any lake or species. I just want to wet my line.
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