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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. It turned around again yesterday...18. You didn’t tell me that was a new boat when you came by.
  2. I got to the water a little after 10 and fished to 3. I had 18 bass on spinnerbaits, bleeding shad and white homemade baits. Only 4 were keepers but it was a lot of fun. There was just enough wind to dry up the sweat.
  3. We don’t have a shortage at the farm. Today I saw 3 groups; 18 young with hens, 5 toms, and a mixed group of 50 in the hay bottom.
  4. I heard that they are going to do this to see if they can find out why turkey numbers are down. I’m thinking with lots of people out of work, that I already know where a lot of them have gone. Country poor have always lived off the land when they needed to eat.
  5. When I was a kid some people moved away and left a herd of about 30 goats. We used to go to that place and hunt them. They were never tame and got really wild in a short time.
  6. Be sure to wear your pfd.
  7. I’m not sure but I believe that is Old Highway 86.
  8. From me catching 17 with 5 keepers on Tuesday to two of us only catching 9 with 2 keepers Friday evening just boggles my mind, but then again as one of my old buds used to say, “They ain’t tied up. They can go where ever they want to”.
  9. I don’t like the Rhino. I have had several spray in liners done at Gibbs Upholstery in Republic. It is the best spray in that I have ever seen.
  10. Here is a modern item that was made at my house during a bait making session. BilletHead also known as Flint Knapper made it. I was amazed at his skills.
  11. I had a boat full of gas and wanted to try some new places. I hit several places in Son’s Creek (3) and on down the Big Sac (2). I didn’t really get much until I got into some colored water above Cedar Ridge. I threw spinnerbaits, chatter baits, buzz baits, and swim baits. Only one color spinnerbait produced, homemade bleeding shad. The buzz bait produced 1 fish. The chatter bait got bites but I never boated a fish on it. As usual the swim bait didn’t get any love at all. I wound up with 16 largemouth and 1 spot. I did manage 5 keepers this trip. Not sure how much gas I used. I didn’t look at the gauge when I got back. At Cedar Ridge there were a lot of rigs in the campers parking lot. I took a look and found that the East ramp is blocked off. I guess it is the low water thing that happens sometimes.
  12. Looking good. I have been wondering about you. Haven’t seen any posts in a long time.
  13. That’s fine. I’ll be listening for you.
  14. Monday or Wednesday would work for me.
  15. I am home. If you want to get it today come on over. I plan to be here for the rest of the day.
  16. Beware my son. There may be a Jabberwock in that lake.
  17. Sorry didn’t see the pm until this am. We may be able to make it this pm after you fish and get home. I am preping for 2 miles of fence so I don’t know what time I will get back from the farm. I can send you a pm when I get home.
  18. I pad. This is a major improvement. Thanks Phil.
  19. Light and small print for these old eyes.
  20. It is yours if you will come get it. The price is $0.00. I don’t have any use for it since I now run Hbirds. I will pm my address to you we can arrange a time.
  21. I have a Navionics Hot Maps Premium ‘08 card that I used when I ran Lowrance units. It is the full size card without the micro card insert. Would that work for you?
  22. Which ones besides the Anasazi are you talking about?
  23. Yep I’m sure we have made up names for lots of places. Beyond the island there is the dead deer bank, barking dog point and the fish lips Parker hole just to name a few.
  24. Remedy and diesel will kill just about any thing.
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