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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. Anyone fishing in this heat? I haven't been able to muster up the will to go when it is going to be above 90°, especially as tough as it was my last few trips.
  2. I don't think that they will let you put that boat in any of those 3 lakes. The last that I heard was Springfield lake has a 6 horse limit and Fellows a 40. I don't know if they even allow boats on McDaniel. You probably should look at one of the other surrounding lakes.
  3. I've caught fish with eels on them in Bull but none even close to being that size.
  4. Dutch


    Yep I had them in the Big Sac for a few weeks. They were on all kinds of banks and fairly shallow until the light show. I am hoping to get caught up and be on the water some time next week.
  5. Dutch


    Your results are about the same as I have found lately. I was on them until the Monday the night that it stormed. I had 22 on Monday with 12 keepers (even some spinner bait keepers). Things were looking good. Then all the rumbles and flashes Monday night. Tuesday I hunted all over the Little Sac and only managed 6 short brown fish which were 16-18' deep. Wednesday more of the same with fish from the Big Sac as deep as 24' (3 keepers out of 8 fish). I did catch some chatter bait fish on Thursday. 2 of them were picked up out of a surfacing school. Each time when I brought the fish in there were about 20 fish of the same year class that followed it back to the boat. I've never seen that many greenies follow a hooked fish. That makes me wonder just how many Stockton fish are roaming around chasing schools of bait fish. My last outing I had one short spot on a spinner bait. My partner had 1 short green fish on a jig and one short on a spinner bait. I have fished from the dam to Rouark Bluff and from Price's Branch to High Point. Every spot seems to be fishless, at least for me. BTW: Congrats on the good fish. I haven't seen a 3# bass in several weeks.
  6. Hey my old boss had a 105 mph boat back in 02. He could only run it on the rock just after first light if there were no wind.
  7. I found it here and there at about 25 feet but lots of places don't have one.
  8. I found fewer fish shallow today and fewer numbers but better keeper ratio. I caught 22 and. had 12 keepers. They were as deep as 22 feet. I actually had some keepers on spinner baits early.
  9. Never seen or heard of it. Do all of the baits have hooks? If so is it legal in MO.
  10. Where is this place located?
  11. Nope Big Sac out of Hartley. I plan to hit the Little Sac some time next week because I am camping at State Park Sun-Fri and plan to fish every day.
  12. The pattern just keeps going and going. It has been 4 trips over the last 3 1/2 weeks that the same pattern has worked for me. Only twice have I stopped on a place and not caught fish one of them was today and one was last week. We hit the water early and threw spinner baits for nothing but exercise. I tired of that and threw one of my home made craws and caught a keeper immediately. The next fish was also a keeper. I thought maybe the will be a better day than I had originally thought it would be. We fished for 6 hours and caught 46 bass. We also had drum and a couple of cats, not to mention several green sunfish. Of the 46 bass 14 were keepers. Most of the keepers were green fish. No fish was heavier than 2.25#. We caught them on finesse worms, jigs, craws and of course the little guy. He accounted for most of the keepers. It did not seem to matter the bait color but line type and diameter was critical. Some of the fish were very shallow and none were deeper than 11'. They were all close to the bottom. The fish 11' deep were caught fishing parallel.
  13. There is standing timber close to the island at the mouth of Turkey creek. Some of it will just be under the surface.
  14. Dutch

    How deep??

    I did not get to go. I've been waiting on a dozer for 6 months and he finally caught up. Now the plan is to go Thursday.
  15. Dutch

    How deep??

    Thanks guys. I have also caught smallies in areas this year that I rarely have done so in the past.
  16. Dutch

    How deep??

    I have been busy and not been able to get back down to Stockton. Any of you guys been lately? Have the bass moved back out or are they still hanging in that 2-10' water?
  17. Straw hat that is interesting. I have cleaned fish adjacent to the ramp many times. Once I had a conservation agent drive up while I was cleaning some crappie. He took a look in the bucket at my uncleaned fish. I asked him if he wanted to measure them. He said, "Nope they all look long enough to me." Then he got back in his truck and left.
  18. I used to fish upper Bull a lot. What you are describing seems par for the course down there.
  19. It used to be quite visible and I had some custom hats done. However I haven't seen it is years so my guess is no.
  20. I have had Dual Pro and NOCO chargers. I really like the dual pro with a 3 bank 15 amp.
  21. I'm one of those guys who use it both places. I use it when I am fishing timber up front. When I am scanning (recording) a bank looking for laydowns and brush it is very valuable in the back.
  22. Too much warmth and too many trash fish (6 drum yesterday) make me start looking at the Atlas Road Map.⛷️
  23. They are good rods indeed. I have 1 Cara and 4 low riders. The 6.5 low riders make good spinner and chatter bait rods for me.
  24. Yeah if it keeps on going July may find me somewhere in the Rocky mountains.
  25. I took a neighbor today. He had never seen a Ned rig but it only took him a few minutes to get the hang of it. In about 30 minutes he had me down 6-3. I never did catch up. He wound up with 22 and I had 19. We did not use anything but the Ned. We caught fish on at least 7 different colors. Green pumpkin was maybe the best color. There were more brown fish than anything else. Keepers were fewer we only had 5. I tried looking for deeper fish but could not get any bites deeper than about 12'. There are lots of bait fish off the banks and I saw several bass cruising around like maybe they were in and out of the baitfish. I saw 84° and 85° water all day long.
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