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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. It's been over 10 years since I grew them so I don't remember exactly how it is done. I got a publication from the University of Missouri Extension Center in Springfield that told all about growing them. It was free and full of good info. All I'd do is call them up and ask for a particular publication and they'd mail it to me.
  2. Do you prune your canes or just let them grow?
  3. That varies from year to year. Year before last I could get a limit of specs in 1.5 hours any day I wanted to fish. Last fall I struggled. If I were just picking a time I'd go late Oct or early Nov but that is just me as I like cooler days.
  4. Also check out BOE marine. My last 3 units have come from there.
  5. The best I have used it Championship Marine on HWY 160 south of Highlandville.
  6. Dutch

    Smoked And Grilled

    A walleye fillet from Stockton smoked with some lemon pepper and some veggies from the garden grilled with olive oil and vinegar to spice them up. Along with a fresh made slaw. Yum Yum.
  7. I suggest you go to Pommy,
  8. That kind of stuff is what got me to packin' when night fishing or fishing by myself in the winter.
  9. I made some electronics moves in my boat and needed to get on the water to test the results. They were good. I started out fishing bluffs and bluff ends for bass because I thought any self respecting bass would drop back because of the front. Nothing nada. I did some drag fishing in 13-15 fow and came up with one. I finally decided to hit some shallow stuff and caught 13 more on spinnerbaits. They were not big but a few keepers were in the bunch. Those deep fish did not cooperate with me today.
  10. Dutch


    Not on purpose. The only ones I have caught have been by accident. I have been to some of the old good spots and they were water hauls.
  11. I've never owned a MK but some friends have them. The run just fine but I don't like to run them because the big foot control and the button on the wrong side.
  12. I used to till I started buying my line in 5,000 ft. spools. Now I take it all off.
  13. Yep mine never comes off. Even with it on I got a ticket one time at Truman.
  14. I've been using a Lok n Haul for 4 years. I like it.
  15. Any reputable boat dealer goes through all of the at the time of delivery even if the customer is a big boy tournament angler. Those who don't are the ones causing the problem. They just let the novices buy and go.
  16. Crickets will do the trick.
  17. I use them quite often and make my own but none are 4-6" long as I can't find bucktail that long.
  18. Good luck to you all. I've been night fishing with limited results. Best nigh 4 keepers to maybe 8 #. I'll save my money till some other day.
  19. Only seen a couple of dozen so far, not like the thousands in past years.
  20. Is that the newly remodeled on at the corner of Hwy 123 and 215? If so they have a pretty good selection of baits and the lady told me that they open at 0600.
  21. UM it never hurts to know the rules.
  22. Dutch

    Drop Shot

    On the other side of the coin. I "dropped" a bunch of money on a mold, swivels, rod, baits, etc. I gave it two different seasons. Now some lucky guy in NY has the molds and swivels. I melted down the baits and turned them into something else. I did catch some fish but for me it was a lot like watching paint dry.
  23. You are getting some arches. The image shows some bait along with game fish. You can't get a full arch unless the whole fish is in the cone when you pass over it. That is as good of a screen shot as I have ever seen on that model unit.
  24. I use single spins and tandem spins. I just stop on one side of a point and start fishing. I cover ground until I find out where they are holding. The last time I did it we caught 26 bass in one cove at Stockton. On dark nights I use dark baits. On a full moon I'll throw all white with white blades. When I slow roll I like big blades #7 and a 4 or 5 and keep the boat in 10 fow or less. If I can't find them slow rollin' I use the single spin and drop down. I sometimes pump it if I have to go very deep. You can make a single spin have a little more "thump" by adding a dab of solder to the blade. Good quality ball bearing swivels are a must for slow rollin'.
  25. I'd say that is one really good late June trip.
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