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brother dave

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by brother dave

  1. I quit going, hopefully there's some positive changes. Both the wife and I really use to enjoy going. HOWDY LAKER67!
  2. I have the same issues. I'm using msn. Everything seems too work fine from the phone.
  3. Last fall a buddy and I had a string of good days fishing top water jerk baits, chasing the boils. Caught quite a few l.M. nothing over 2lbs. It kept us coming back good a couple hours each afternoon til dusk. Just waiting for it cool down alittle to repeat the fun
  4. I can post from my phone, but not the laptop at the house. Gotta be missing something. I didn't finish the brush blogging, so I didn't get to go Sunday. Anyone else make to M.T.?
  5. +1 on all that ! B.K. leach, william logan, whiteside, and columbia bottom can offer good hunts during the week, not so crowded then. Good looking dog.
  6. M.t. Is a go-to for me. Mostly because it's closer than taney. It'll be nice to see if their will be enough participation. I just got internet at the house, Shi I'll try an do my part
  7. Oh, If you haven't, they're good to eat!
  8. Sandy slough in Winfield, and the back waters at bk are good spots for far too. The cuivre is full of them, but you'll need a boat. And +2 on the rope fly
  9. I have a 17 osage pack canoe. I have used a 4hp two stroke, 5hp fourth stroke, & 7 hp long tail motors I also used 1 & sometimes 2 trolling motors. The 4 & 5 sent Me along at about 12 mph, 7 @ approx 16 17 mph ( on plane and scooting). I use a tiller extension with the out boards, and have run the full length of taney, some table rock, a little bit of the Missouri, and allot of the Mississippi in the Winfield area. This by myself, and or loaded with gear and two people. Hunting and fishing in most imaginable ways. It's very efficient. And it takes some getting use to. Mine is rated for a 5hp. Your choice of a 3 up should be just fine. Just start slow and practice. And wear a life jacket. Good luck
  10. I like the ride
  11. Hotdog, that sounds like fun
  12. Wow that's allot of flow, thanks for the pic
  13. its good to hear you caught some!
  14. yes sir!
  15. your right. pole and line? & just how tasty were they?
  16. exactly! we do well with the same tactic late summer thru winter too. sometimes adding weight to go deeper. purple tiger is another goto color. sometimes its fast and many fish, other times its seems theyre all woppers.
  17. I like the size 7 flicker shad
  18. didn't know there was one at cc park. have known about the one at busch. are they about the same?
  19. catching more than me. stuck at work, 99.9 oF, 68% humidty. got fishing withdrawls, need a fix.
  20. nice report
  21. very nice report.
  22. brother dave


    hot dog! thats sounds great all the way around! wheres the frog pic?
  23. you guys ain't kidding about it seems like more snakes. dad and I found a very fresh dead timber rattler on the big sandbar just sou thof the daniel boone bridge, missouri river. out looked a though a bird of prey had a hold of it, the sticky blood and no flies made me think it was fresh.
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