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Compression shorts. Who'da thunk it?

Based on the coverage of the Miss River derby he won, it needed to compress things a little more. So tight his legs should have turned blue.


I mean this comment to be respectfully sarcastic if that's allowed...

You have to give the jersey jerks credit for one thing, they probably ain't keeping bass for a fish fry


I mean this comment to be respectfully sarcastic if that's allowed...

You have to give the jersey jerks credit for one thing, they probably ain't keeping bass for a fish fry

Amen. Once in a while we can all hold hands and sing Kum Bay Yah over something.

Still doesn't make Tommy's shorts ok...


Even funnier...we are pouring heads and my kid is watching an MLF derby DVD. They just did a spotlight with all the other guys poking fun at Tommy's shorts. Hilarious.


Amen. Once in a while we can all hold hands and sing Kum Bay Yah over something.

Still doesn't make Tommy's shorts ok...

yes it does. Holding hands while we all wear his shorts, singing Kum By Ya is the new Orange.

TinBoats BassClub.  An aluminum only bass club. If interested in info send me a PM. 


I'll never wear a flat bill cap. I'd wear a 10 gallon hat first.

Every Saint has a past, every Sinner has a future. On Instagram @hamneedstofish


I'll never wear a flat bill cap. I'd wear a 10 gallon hat first.

I'll bet I can bend one just like my Ranger hat. Of course technically it is a snapback hat too.


I'll never wear a flat bill cap. I'd wear a 10 gallon hat first.

You should start that trend. Sun protection and tons of real estate for sponsors on a 10 gallon hat.


Okay - full confession I have clicked on a link or two that have taken me to some of those "other Bass sites" - it was by accident - and I find the term micro aggression....long story about how it originated but one poster came up with these examples.

MicroAggressive bass fishing terms:

1. Nitro owner - hidden meaning... a lower class fisherman, or can't afford a Bass Cat
2. Co-anglers - hidden meaning.... to poor to buy a boat, a pro wanna be
3. Dock owner- hidden meaning.....crazy old fart
4. Ranger owner- hidden meaning....slow
5. Fishing jersey - hidden meaning...KVD worshiper

6. Fish and Ski Boat owner - hidden meaning....orientation confusion.

Now I had to laugh at the concept and the terms as I am guilty of #1 & #5

Just thought I would share and not hi jack an already thought provoking thread about tiny shorts on men and the effect.


A Cornhusker

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