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My Tany trip has come and gone. Had some amazing mornings of fishing. Caught some really nice bows and 3 Browns as well. A bit worried when I arrived on Saturday night to find the flood gates still open. Luckily they closed up and for each morning I could head out for a few hours and wade fish with some pretty good results down in the trophy area.

I also got to meet Phil on my last day fishing. Finally got to fish his dock too (took a while but I did finally catch one small stocker... def not ready for One Cast LOL). Thanks again Phil for the time, it was a pleasure meeting you!

For the trip report I only caught fish on a couple different things. The old tried and true olive drab wooly bugger with a gold head, and some sculpin pattern jigs with orange heads. Also picked up fish drifting a San Juan worm and of course the scuds were landing them. Here is a few pics. wish there were more, but they are usually an afterthought. Thanks to the 2 kind fishermen who took some pics for me if you are on here. All fish were released unharmed :)

Most mornings started like this. Lots of fog


Finally the sun would pop up


My first Brown of the season


Close Up of above fish


And another brown in the water... wish I would of gotten a better pic this fish was beautiful.


Onto some bows. My BIL had a few nice ones as well. I also have my new PB Rainbow on my last day on my 3rd cast of the morning...



PB and 2nd PB Rainbows



Good luck out there.



I'm glad you had a good trip. Those look like some lovely fish. I appreciate that you have a very good net that is gentle on the fish. IF you are gonna catch and release, for goodness sakes get a net that doesn't beat the fish up. We spend all this money on fishing gear, I would think we could spend a little more on a ne that is not likely to injure the fish.

Every Saint has a past, every Sinner has a future. On Instagram @hamneedstofish


Some great photos. Congrats on the personal best rainbow. Your net looks like mine. Don't tell Ham, but I bought it more for the fact that hooks don't get stuck in the webbing, but a close second consideration was that it was less likely to injure the fish.


Thanks for the comments guys. Ham I totally agree, and the rubber nets are great for the fish as well as not getting your line and lures tangled too. When possible I try to not even net the fish and just pop them off.

For the pics I literally keep them in the water and as close to the water as possible until I'm ready to snap a pic and handle them with care.


The thing that drives me crazy is that so many of the guides have nets that are once step above using brabed wire for the nettiong materials. It would be in their own interest to be as protective of the resource as possible and that includes the waterway and boat launches.

I fish my jigs barbless the VAST majority of the time. O f course, I'm 100% barbless in C&R areas and I would say 100% anywhere on the river, but sometimes I forget to mash them before I cast. When I struggle to easiy release a fish, I wise up.

Every Saint has a past, every Sinner has a future. On Instagram @hamneedstofish

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