Dan Kreher Posted September 23, 2015 Posted September 23, 2015 As the original thread on this topic has swerved way off the intended path, I thought I would start a new thread concerning the upcoming public comment meetings on the proposed smallmouth/goggle eye regulations. The first meeting is next Tuesday in Van Buren and (most likely) will primarily address the proposed regs on the Current and Jacks Fork Rivers. Given the location and that the Current presently has no special management areas for smallmouth along its length, I am suspecting that this meeting will be the most contentious one for the MDC. Based on the information presented to the MO Smallmouth Alliance by the MDC back in May, it does appear that the MDC has significant scientific data to support their proposed 15"/1 SMB regs on the Current. At the present time, the MDC is targeting the 33-mile stretch from Two Rivers (Jacks Fork confluence) to Van Buren for this regulation. MSA has put forth the idea of extending this regulation some 18 miles upstream to the lower Round Spring access where the horsepower limits change. Not sure if the MDC will consider this or not, but it seems to be an option worth discussing. In speaking with two of the MDC Commissioners at the CFM Affiliate Summit last week, I believe it would certainly help the case for these new regs on the Current and the expanded regs on Jacks Fork if conservation-minded anglers showed up at this meeting in numbers to express their support for more restricted harvest. It is hard to say how many local anglers may attend who might be against a change in the status quo, but those in favor of more progressive regulations need to be willing to attend and state their support for change. Also worth lobbying for is to request that the MDC keep the 18" MLL on the upper Jacks Fork (Buck Hollow to Alley Spring) in place. I realize they want to simplify the current special management area regs by going to the 15" limit. But let's at least bring this idea up at the meeting in Van Buren for them to consider. I realize the Van Buren is pretty far from most urban areas - it is 3-hour drive for me. But anyone who can take the time to come out next Tuesday it would be appreciated. We will have some MSA representation there. Next meetings are next week in St. Robert, Farmington and Kirkwood. We'll be there as well.
fishinwrench Posted September 24, 2015 Posted September 24, 2015 Getting all riled up and driving across the state numerous times to "fight" for what I consider good/better regulations just seems pointless. For as many employees and as much money as MDC has they sure seem to have a problem actually DOING ANYTHING other than talk about stuff. Having all these "meetings" is just another way to keep more people on the clock longer. This is 2015 for Christ sake, why should we have to transport our bodies in order to have our words heard ? Why? Flysmallie and Gavin 2
Old plug Posted September 24, 2015 Posted September 24, 2015 I have lobbied at hearing in both the Missouri senate and house with Missouri Association of the Deaf. Filling up a room with people at a hearing may or may not have a impact. If you have people shouting out and attacking because of their passion for their side of things it only serves to strengthen the opponents. If any of you are lawyers and would serve as spokesman that would be much better. Also getting the media involved is a very strong thing.
msamatt Posted September 24, 2015 Posted September 24, 2015 Wrench: You can comment online: http://mdc.mo.gov/about-us/how-contact-us/subject-specific-comment-forms/comment-changes-smallmouth-bass-and-rock-bass Matt Wier http://missourismallmouthalliance.blogspot.com The Missouri Smallmouth Alliance: Recreation, Education, and Conservation since 1992
bfishn Posted September 24, 2015 Posted September 24, 2015 ...why should we have to transport our bodies in order to have our words heard ? Why? Good question, made me ponder. I think it boils down to existentialism du jour. What matters today. Due diligence. The act of personal participation is a weighted influence in decision making. Who are we really... the nice guy with a good point that you shared lunch with, or one of xxx posts on the web? Besides, the cause is one you admit you're behind. Let the man light his fire and see how much he can burn. I can't dance like I used to.
Jerry Rapp Posted September 25, 2015 Posted September 25, 2015 MDC Public Comment Meetings......... I am sure MDC reads OAF. If they don't......very sad. They should definitely know the opinion of those on here. Dan, if they don't read this forum, please tell them to do so. I agree with Wrench on the driving around thing. They are just justifying their jobs. No need anymore on "Public Meetings". There are very few people under 50 years that aren't online anymore. And a big majority of 50+ old farts are also, right FW, rfisherk and OP?. The online folks are the ones who generate money to MDC via permits and special tags, and also pay a hell of a lot more money which gets "taxed" than the others. Just my thoughts.
Al Agnew Posted September 25, 2015 Posted September 25, 2015 I suspect the public meetings are justified as much as a way to get what THEY want to get out there as to listen to what the citizenry has to say about it. I agree it seems a little unnecessary these days, and just encourages small but vocal minorities to have a disproportionate say in what goes on. It's easy for anybody in the state to send an email, so plenty of people will do so if encouraged to do it. But a public meeting is a good venue for a lot of local rabble rousing.
fishinwrench Posted September 25, 2015 Posted September 25, 2015 MDC Public Comment Meetings......... I am sure MDC reads OAF. If they don't......very sad. They should definitely know the opinion of those on here. They read it, but they'll never admit it. Not sure why that is. Same reason alot of big-time pro types pretend to not even know this place exists. They read it every stinkin' day, you know they do, but when you mention it they act like they've never even heard of it. Stupid (too cool for school) head games!
Flysmallie Posted September 25, 2015 Posted September 25, 2015 It would be nice if they would make an extra meeting that's an online presentation. I agree that it's probably better to meet in person if you have respectable attendees but for some people it's not possible to attend. You have the ability to see them and their presentation. You can Poll everyone on the meeting. You can have tests, distribute materials. You have the ability to let people ask questions or give their comments. It has chat built in so they can add comments. It's so easy to do that it's ridiculous that they don't offer that as another option. I do this every single day with people all over the country. It works.
SpoonDog Posted September 25, 2015 Posted September 25, 2015 I like the fact that MDC's wiling to meet with the public. I sorta thought that was exactly what we wanted them to do. It seems kinda silly to whine about it- like the three year old incessantly asking for a cookie and, when he gets it, bursting into tears. Sure, public meetings are a bit of an anachronism- but they provide minority groups a pretty good loudspeaker. And the small percentage of folks advocating 18" regs or complete C&R are certainly a minority group. I think an online, real-time deal would be good, maybe even add some online component to the in-person meetings so folks can submit questions and concerns electronically. But I've also heard a fair number of radio call-in shows with MDC folks in the Ozarks and other parts of the state, so I think they are reaching out and trying to communicate with the public at large. Seems a lot of folks are upset MDC's catering to one small demographic, but aren't willing to show up and represent their own small demographic. I don't have much sympathy for that, and I'm not interested in the argument MDC's being uncooperative or unresponsive because they've set up a meeting smallmouth anglers choose not to go to. A lot of folks will drive to Crooked Creek or Buffalo and fish for smallmouth, whether it be for pleasure or some warped sense of sticking it to the man. When it comes time to go to a meeting a couple hours closer to home so those same quality regs can be implemented on Missouri streams, they balk. So much for passion and dedication to the resource. Chief Grey Bear and Gavin 2
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