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I just wanted to share this with everyone to check your fire extinguisher in your boat, if you got the White Kiddie at Walmart in the the past 10 years chances are it won't work or will explode when you need it. Free replacements from Kiddie if you have one of these. First thing to check if the handle and nozzle are plastic you have a bad one.





90% of fire extinguishers in boats don't work.  I always figured it was because they had sit outside all Winter, but I kept one inside in the kitchen for a little over 2 years and after my wife informed me that she had never used one and was actually "scared of it" I took it and her outside to just let her shoot one off so she was familiar with it and not scared anymore.   Guess what?  It went "paaaah" and spit out a teaspoon of stuff.   Worthless.   

I keep a big industrial badass out in the shop.  I wanna test it......but it costs 35.00 to have it charged so if I ever need it I'll just hope for the best, say 3 hail Mary's and squeeze.  If it doesn't work I'll go grab marshmallows and call my insurance agent.


There were these two twins named Joe and John. Joe was the owner of a dilapidated old fishing boat. It just so happened that John’s wife died the very same day that Joe’s old boat sank. A kindly old woman saw Joe one day, and mistaking him for John said, “I’m sorry to hear about your loss, you must feel terrible.”

Joe, thinking she was talking about his boat, said, “Hell no, in fact I’m sorta glad to be rid of her. She was a rotten old thing from the beginning. Her bottom was all shriveled up, and she smelled like old dead fish. She was always losing her water. She had a bad crack in the back, and a pretty big hole in the front. Every time I used her that hole got bigger, and then she leaked like crazy. I guess what finally finished her off was when I rented her out to those four guys who were looking for a good time. I warned them she wasn’t very good, but they wanted to use her anyway. The darn fools tried to get in her all at once, and then she split right up the middle….”The old woman said 3 hail Mary's and fainted!


Kiddie sending me a new one ...10 to 25 days......but i should retain this one untill new one arrives....my hole doesn't look plugged..


I know everything about nothing and know nothing about everything!

Bruce Philips

  • 2 months later...

Well I had four of these and the last one came in today. That is 60 days from the time I put in the online request. The first one was only about 20 days then 20 days for two more, then this one today. I guess they were checking to see if I sent them back?

Anyway I have had reports within my company of success and failures of trading these in at Walmart about 50-50 some Walmarts will exchange some won't. I have had drivers take it to one Walmart and be turned down and then drive two blocks over and the next Walmart took them.

If you are still holding on to a bad one, I would suggest to trade it soon or dump it and buy a new one.


I got my replacement from Kiddie, once you get your new you send the old one back to them and they pay shipping.

I know everything about nothing and know nothing about everything!

Bruce Philips

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