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On 1/29/2018 at 8:32 PM, Ham said:

Soooooo, why are you guys still going if the fishing is marginal? I’d rather drive hours and catch fish than fish close and struggle. I heart #FossilFuels 

Its like visiting an old love. The spark might be gone but sometimes it’s good to look back and reminisce about all the good times. 

His father touches the Claw in spite of Kevin's warnings and breaks two legs just as a thunderstorm tears the house apart. Kevin runs away with the Claw. He becomes captain of the Greasy Bastard, a small ship carrying rubber goods between England and Burma. Michael Palin, Terry Jones, 1974


Yep, the Meramec USED to be pretty good.  I can still usually catch a few, especially the fairly recent escapees from Maramec Spring branch in the first mile below the park, but it's been a long time since I caught a nice brown.  For a long time my biggest brown came from the Meramec around Suicide, and a buddy caught a 29 inch rainbow and a 29 inch brown in the same year on the Meramec.


It has always been a tough stretch to do well on. Fished it two or three times a week after work for a couple summers and had some great days. They hold on wood in the fine gravel areas, and eat minnows & midge sized stuff mostly. Must eat plenty of minnows because they aren’t always hungry. Have not caught a good brown there in awhile, but have not put in the effort to be there at prime time (dawn or dusk). 







In the mid-late '80's it was worth the drive for me.  Moved to Ga. for awhile and when I came back 4 years later it just wasn't the same.  Made 4-5 runs over there after I got back, and really fished it hard with next to nothing to show for it.  I just kinda gave up and haven't been back since.   Back before the internet you could go there anytime and not see a soul.  


 Floated 8 to Scott’s last year with the fam. More bass than trout below Meramec Springs and most of the bass were Largemouth

:blink:.  What the heck were they doing there?



I know they have been releasing a lot of Browns into the river below the park but where they go after release is a mystery. It seems like we catch more rainbows than browns when I fish it and they all escape from the park.



I scooped a 8 plus lb out of the river near stclair area probably about 1994    It was just lazily swimming down the bank. Probably was too far down and it got warm. 

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