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Wow... That's like suing the police for that one time your house got burgled.

I can't dance like I used to.


The article I read was mostly State loss of habitat and wildlife issues.  Federal Tax dollars to rebuild all of the state land damaged along the waterways.  I think 300 million, barely a drop in the bucket.

But it does set a new way of looking at things.  Corp of Engineers lakes were mainly created to control flooding.  What happens when they fail to do so.  I wonder if more lawsuits will be launched downstream from dams like Table Rock.  All of the docks damaged by spilling water over the top. Etc.

I know that they ended up paying for blowing the levee in SE Missouri a few years back to relieve pressure on More Populated areas, activation of an emergency floodway. 

In the end, its just our tax dollars changing hands among goverments, nothing to worry about.

"Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously."

Hunter S. Thompson


Ok in '93 I helped evacuate the Missouri Bottoms. That flood was all coming from upriver, it was a freak as far as floods go. Most the time before floods were started local at that time the Local Creeks and Rivers were not up.

After the water went down lots of the Bottoms would be unfarmable for years below many feet of sand.

After that the river was changed by COE to better the Fishing and Flood Control. This is kind of like what my wife is always telling me why change something already working.

Me and my wife are both now working with FEMA and we are always seeing the same problem.



One thing to keep in mind, the COE tries to answer to many masters, flood control, power, navigation, wildlife, water supply and often gets caught in the middle.   In the end the courts will sort it out and the end is still a long way off.

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