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  On 8/1/2018 at 1:57 AM, ColdWaterFshr said:

Did I miss a good fight here?  Don't have energy to read 10 pages, but somehow I want to weigh in.  ðŸ˜€


Nah.  Consensus is LD is  not worth the time.


Sounds really cool.   I've never even heard of them, or him.  Checked out the link but I couldn't find anything on there that explains what they do, or what they have accomplished other than to have meetings about stuff. (gathering and disseminating technical information) If they actively make changes then that is great.  Good job!  Seriously!  I wish they'd get the tax % instead of youknowho.

We did water quality studies through Stream Team but to my knowledge there hasn't been any hog/turkey farms, RVPark, or slaughter house effluent cleaned up because of it.  I stopped participating because our findings seemed redundant, so now we (our team) just picks up trash.   I mean without any samples we already knew the water quality was deteriorating, and we also knew why.  The hope was that something could/would be done about it.....I reckon not.  

  On 7/31/2018 at 10:49 PM, SpoonDog said:

he characterizes himself as an outdoor writer, an author, a syndicated newspaper columnist.  If he wants to be a professional writer, then he should be evaluated at the level of a professional writer. 


"B.S. in Wildlife Management from the University of Missouri, writer, author and syndicated columnist, Naturalist and avid outdoorsman" from his bio...


looks like he has 7 books titles for sale on amazon (see below) pretty sure he's a professional writer that has street cred and he has a degree in wildlife management ...might not agree with all he says, but many are listening

  On 8/1/2018 at 12:16 AM, Terrierman said:

Memes are fun!


those are old magazine advertisements...lol







MONKEYS? what monkeys?



  On 8/1/2018 at 3:05 AM, MoCarp said:

looks like he has 7 books titles for sale on amazon (see below) pretty sure he's a professional writer that has street cred and he has a degree in wildlife management ...might not agree with all he says, but many are listening


So he compiles stories and anecdotes. Big deal that doesn't make him a writer. Also anyone can self publish those types of books. Does he have published articles in peer reviewed scientific journals? Has ever worked where an editor forced him to fact check his work and not write opinion?

Maybe he has a degree in wildlife management. Again having a degree vs actually working in that area are very different things. Maybe his agenda is to get back at those organizations for not hiring him. 

The fact that folks like yourself are "listening" is one of the biggest concern that I have with guys like him. If you are afraid to eat venison because of CWD then don't ever eat beef in the UK. I've seen more than one source state that 90 deaths due to nvCJD have been documented in Europe and the UK.

  On 8/1/2018 at 3:05 AM, MoCarp said:

looks like he has 7 books titles for sale on amazon (see below) pretty sure he's a professional writer that has street cred and he has a degree in wildlife management ...might not agree with all he says, but many are listening



Yeah, the bar for self-publication isn't very high. If his "cred" stems from the fact he cites himself as an expert, perhaps his audience should exercise a little more independent judgement.


Can't say I'm surprised the guy has no background in journalism, or english, or medicine, or immunology.  "Don't participate in Share the Harvest because you'll wind up with infected meat that'll rot your brain" is medical advice, and it's very, very, dumb to take medical advice with neither any medical expertise, nor any working, conversational knowledge of medical subjects like "how do diseases work?" and "how are germs spread?"  To say a guy who we can show manipulates facts and puts words in peoples mouths has any meaningful level of credibility is silly- that "cred" can only come from the folks who don't know he's manipulating facts (those who are being duped), or those who don't care.  And if we're concerned people would try to profit off their expertise (a la' 1960's smoking ads), then yeah- let's talk about the self-published author who gets paid by the number of books he sells and the number of papers his column appears in. 


He's the Dr. Oz of fish and wildlife.  It's the National Enquirer approach to outdoor writing, and if it's something someone wants to believe, I can't stop them.  But comparing fact-based evidence with something someone just pulled out their butt isn't meaningful, or interesting to me. If someone mistakes Dablemont's work for fact-based, or objective, or rational, or even intelligent- they'd be better served finding some different outlet. 


Let me reiterate, LD does wrote some entertaining books and articles.  His scientific, watch dog and plain attack articles well they fall way short, however he has every right to write them.  Often while wildly inaccurate they are thought provoking, which does have some value.  And like I mentioned before many of his hit/attack pieces begin with some good, truthful or love data and then just go off the rails.  I have no doubt that he is very passionate about many things and believes he is truly a watchdog.  As for changes in water quality, while many groups follow, track, yest and offer technical advice the only real changes come through legislation, i.e. state or fedeal agencies.   Primarily MO DNR and EPA.

  On 8/1/2018 at 12:07 PM, Johnsfolly said:

So he compiles stories and anecdotes. Big deal that doesn't make him a writer. Also anyone can self publish tbose types of books.


go for it....looks like he's been making a living being an author and writer for a few decades now


Does he have published articles in peer reviewed scientific journals? Has ever worked where an editor forced him to fact check his work and not write opinion?


as a person who has actually worked for a newspaper, I never knew anyone that "fact checked" op-eds....but LD isn't the only one Ann Landers got a pass as well


Maybe he has a degree in wildlife management. Again having a degree vs actually working in that area are very different things. Maybe his agenda is to get back at those organizations for not hiring him. 


I also went to University to be in wildlife management, and I can't speak for LD...but I never sent a single resume to any state agency in my life... ever!

fell into sales/advertising and never looked back, sometimes life presents opportunity and plans change...yet the education never leaves you.


The fact that folks like yourself are "listening" is one of the biggest concern that I have with guys like him.


concerned so much to want to silence him? if he is so full of BS why should it matter? or is his argument plausible enough to make people consider the seriousness of the claims?


If you are afraid to eat venison because of CWD then don't ever eat beef in the UK. I've seen more than one source state that 90 deaths due to nvCJD have been documented in Europe and the UK.


having friends across the pond the mad cow scare caused a huge financial hit on the EU beef industry, and that is a daily food item...venison isn't for most people and I am not willing to take the chance...others that hunt deer tell me they are not hunting this year...i I wonder if the donated venison burger poundage is up?...some people will still deer hunt with no intention of eating what they shoot, ether donating the meat to a food bank or dumping it roadside, I would suspect wanton waste violations might be up as well...be interesting to see those numbers as well as deer hunting industry sales numbers. In the end the biggest people concerned about their jobs, and rightfully so are people who's livelihood depends on the hunting of deer/moose/elk.

MONKEYS? what monkeys?

  On 8/1/2018 at 12:27 PM, SpoonDog said:

Yeah, the bar for self-publication isn't very high. If his "cred" stems from the fact he cites himself as an expert, perhaps his audience should exercise a little more independent judgement.


Like I said before go for it pop out a few books, seems he's getting paid to do so and I am sure he would have stopped at one id he made no $ at it...now many things, I don't own or have read ANY of his books and I must admit have read just a handful of his newspaper musings, I would suspect most people do take in all the information and develop their own views of the subject, its just that some get pretty salty when they see sales drop off at the local archery shop because of the CWD scare and call the local paper saying "they will not buy any ads if they keep printing LDs columns"  


Can't say I'm surprised the guy has no background in journalism, or english, or medicine, or immunology. 


I can assure you that writing, english and medicine immunology are a BIG part of a university education...hell they made me take a butt load of english and writing intensive classes. one of the poetry classes has stuck with me...lol


"Don't participate in Share the Harvest because you'll wind up with infected meat that'll rot your brain" is medical advice, and it's very, very, dumb to take medical advice with neither any medical expertise, nor any working, conversational knowledge of medical subjects like "how do diseases work?" and "how are germs spread?" 


every time we see an egg recall or tainted lettuce, or some one getting sick eating at Chipotle...we see a knee jerk response to all eggs, lettuce and chipotles you see people not spend $....


  To say a guy who we can show manipulates facts and puts words in peoples mouths has any meaningful level of credibility is silly- that "cred" can only come from the folks who don't know he's manipulating facts (those who are being duped), or those who don't care.  And if we're concerned people would try to profit off their expertise (a la' 1960's smoking ads), then yeah- let's talk about the self-published author who gets paid by the number of books he sells and the number of papers his column appears in. 


I think what he is insinuating is an agenda by those with a $ motivation to keep the CWD threat less than it is, I would love to flop out a big deer steak in front of the CWD critics and see how many pass on eating it!


MONKEYS? what monkeys?

  On 8/1/2018 at 1:57 AM, ColdWaterFshr said:

Did I miss a good fight here?  Don't have energy to read 10 pages, but somehow I want to weigh in.  ðŸ˜€


I don't think so. I've followed along and while there are certainly some takes I disagree with, seems like a quality discussion.


If there is one thing I'm gathering from this thread is that the term "waste" is pretty subjective when applied to the MDC. I believe this has been hinted at, but we all bring our own biases into the discussion. I'd say a majority of regular OAF users (at least that I regularly interact with, including myself) are very into smallmouth bass fishing. Therefore, most of us are going to look very favorably on projects that benefit smallmouth bass habitat, or prevent the poaching/illegal gigging/whatever else of the species. Many of the same folks (me included) are not big into, say, bird watching. Therefore you might be inclined to look at projects where a significant amount of money is being spent on non-game birds as a waste of money.

But the problem is that the MDC represents a really broad constituency, namely, anyone in the state that uses or values natural resources, or the properties owned by MDC. And that constituency includes a hell of a lot of bird watchers. Heck, it includes people that are fascinating by insects, rare plants, any number of things that the average fisherman/hunter might easily be given a pass for considering pointless. Just as the MDC regularly has to (and does) throw bones to smallmouth bass fishermen and deer hunters, they have to do the same for these other groups. I'd be shocked if there aren't some folks out there who are interested in bird watching/hiking/etc who think that dumping a bunch of money on fish habitat is a waste. I just think, even if it's annoying, it's important to try to see the big picture and that we are not the only interest group that matters.

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