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I headed out late morning to one of our little ponds by my house.  This was actually the second one I stopped at and it was prolly around 10 when I got there.  

I had on a blue and copper weed less worm and about my 3rd cast I had a great bite.  

Now my neighbor makes fun of me as I fish these bass with my little ultralights with 2 and 4lb line, but I always tell him until something big enough breaks me off I'm not messing with getting bass gear out lol.  Well today I think I about met my match.  Somehow the 4lb line held up after 2 runs and a big jump.  Big girl finally rolled on her side for me and I was able to lip her at the bank.

Biggest one I've personally caught.  I suck at guessing bass size but I'm confident saying she was over 4lbs. Could fit my whole hand in her mouth...  Gonna try to guesstimate her length off the rod picture too.

I got my pics quick and she swam off healthy so I hope to battle with her again sometime...

Fishing stunk after that one lol.







Yeah, I wish I would of taken some more time to get some better measurements.  My neighbor could of even brought our scale down in less than 5 minutes... He was about 10 minutes out from coming down and fishing with me and we could of got some better pics...

I didn't want to chance it with her though, I had to really play her out on the ultralight to get her in and she was gassed.  Plus our pond temps have stayed so high I didn't want to risk losing her. Bout had to strip my boots off to get her revived out in moss free water, but she swam off strong. 

I will just have to keep my little fish scale on me for next time.  I really hope one of my kiddos can hook into this one again!


I’d say 6 pounds wouldn’t be far off the mark. Great fish and kudos for releasing her!


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