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1 hour ago, tjm said:

so the public is protected from you but  your family isn't? That seems to be about normal. I was really wondering more about the really fearful folks that get so agitated about the possibility of seeing a naked face in public, how they protect their at risk family members from themselves.

I take steps to protect me thus them. It’s not terribly complicated to minimize close contact and reduce risk from a low risk (percentage of population) virus for rural living. 


Sure, distance and hygiene protects all, the mask not so much on self.

22 hours ago, tjm said:

Do most maskers  wear one around the family at home?

Shhzzz, i see people wearing them while walking on sidewalks ALONE, or in vehicles they are driving, ALONE, so im sure there are those weird types that have them on around their families. Weird is weird. 

TinBoats BassClub.  An aluminum only bass club. If interested in info send me a PM. 

11 minutes ago, Ketchup said:

Shhzzz, i see people wearing them while walking on sidewalks ALONE, or in vehicles they are driving, ALONE, so im sure there are those weird types that have them on around their families. Weird is weird. 

Not the point. These people get all bent and twisted because someone in a hardware did not protect strangers by wearing a mask, since a mask allows the complainer wearing one to still get infected, he should continue to wear it when at home for at least the two week quarantine time after every outing so as to protect his spouse and family. Surely saving family is more important than saving strangers?

10 hours ago, DADAKOTA said:

I definitely wear a mask when I visit my 91 year old mother.  Harris will probably get sworn in when the machine gets through with the Hunter Biden investigation.  I wonder if using a duck call propels potential covid germs into the air subjecting those downwind to potential exposure.  Note to self be on the upwind side of the blind.

Careful, ducks carry the bird flu.  It was a killer.  Then they tested the ducks for the Avian flu, stuck swabs up their butt at the HQ after you killed them.

Ducks are always loaded with lice, they have to carry stuff like ticks do.  We just don't know what yet.  Someone will come along and weaponize the duck lice and train the ducks to scatter them.

Make sure you rinse them good in swamp water to cleanse them.

"Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously."

Hunter S. Thompson

1 hour ago, tjm said:

Not the point. These people get all bent and twisted because someone in a hardware did not protect strangers by wearing a mask, since a mask allows the complainer wearing one to still get infected, he should continue to wear it when at home for at least the two week quarantine time after every outing so as to protect his spouse and family. Surely saving family is more important than saving strangers?

Get real.  If you are living with family members...LIVING with them and not just visiting them, there are so many ways you can spread it to them that wearing a mask is pointless.  I live with my wife.  We seldom go anywhere around other people without going together.  We are equally exposed.  So it would be completely pointless to wear masks in the house or around just each other.  

In addition, one would hope that family members kinda know what each other have done and where they've been, and how likely they are to have been exposed.  Fact is, there are a LOT of people who, when finding out they have been exposed, quarantine themselves FROM family members.  Which makes sense.  Wearing a mask inside the house with family members does not.

I wonder why it is that seeing people wearing masks while driving by themselves, or anywhere else where they are not going to be around other people, bends so many people out of shape.  Who the heck cares?  If they want to look weird, so be it, it doesn't harm you in the least.  And as for wearing one while driving, perhaps they have just been to one place where a mask was needed and are heading directly to another where it's needed, and don't bother to take it off and have to put it back on.  I find taking masks on and off to be a bit of a pain, since the straps always seem to snag my hearing aids and flip them off my ears.  

Seems to me that a whole lot of people are just looking for ways to denigrate others who are wearing masks.

23 hours ago, Basfis said:

The original post nailed it...you can’t fix stupid. 

also can’t force your will on another...

I don’t wear a mask at home. I do out and about. It’s not really inconvenient to me. If it is to someone else, that’s fine, I’ll note it and avoid them. It’s pretty easy to not hug it out with strangers. Also easy to not put my hands in my mouth if I shake hands. 

way too much time spent worrying about everyone else. 

Didn’t you claim to wear gloves and use tongs to get the mail? That’s fear, not science...


Actually, no.  Mary and I started out being that cautious (though not using tongs...we used a grocery bag to get the mail out of the box).  As the science of how unlikely it is to spread the virus from mailed items, we followed the science, and now simply wash our hands after handling the mail, and let the mail sit overnight.  Yes, that's still being overly cautious, but it costs us nothing and gives Mary a little more peace of mind.  Fear?  Or prudence?  I don't really care.

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