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I love multispecies and definitely have many more bucket list species than I will ever catch. This is a great article to achieve some of those catches while not blowing the bank. I got some new thoughts on a species or two 😉😁



Kevin Morelock with Indigo Guide Service is the featured expert in the carp/SMB/pike on fly on flats. He’s a Good Dude and Very Knowledgable. Smart Guy. Will cancel a day if he thinks weather is going to be unsafe or make chances of success minimal. 

Every Saint has a past, every Sinner has a future. On Instagram @hamneedstofish


I believe Oliver Ngy won the Big Bass Bass on LOZ a couple years ago…on one of those swim baits.  He is definitely a go big or go home fisherman….



Certainly some stuff I would like to do.  Definitely want to fish for tarpon someday.  Pyramid lake would be a neat trip, and I hear they bite Zig Jigs.  Would love to catch an Atlantic salmon - I have caught one in Washington, it was a fish farm escapee that had worn all of its fins down to stubs.  

Also want to do a trip for great lakes steelhead, salmon, and brown trout.


I dont really have a bucket list.   I have a few that I would like to catch, peacock bass, northern pike, and "walleye from the docks," as Kid Rock's song goes.  Pier fishing looks like a fun day also.  Other than that, I like my "local" options.   

Money is just ink and paper, worthless until it switches hands, and worthless again until the next transaction. (me)

I am the master of my unspoken words, and the slave to those that should have remained unsaid. (unknown)


Don't have a bucket list as such but would definitely like to fish the salt water some day.  Red fish, Sheepshead and whatever else might bite.


California will never be a stopping point unless it changes its ways.

Been to the Kenai, Alaska was a bucket list before I ever needed a bucket.  Glad I did it young.

Gonna do the salt.  Have to catch a Peacock, they are just too pretty and aggressive.

Patagonia or New Zealand would be my exotic tour if I take one.

"Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously."

Hunter S. Thompson

10 hours ago, MOPanfisher said:

Don't have a bucket list as such but would definitely like to fish the salt water some day.  Red fish, Sheepshead and whatever else might bite.

I can vouch for the awesome Snook and Tarpon in the Tampa area. From what I understand the snook have actually greatly improved since the time I fished for them. 

8 hours ago, dblades said:

I can vouch for the awesome Snook and Tarpon in the Tampa area. From what I understand the snook have actually greatly improved since the time I fished for them. 

Tampa Bay keeps having massive fish kills. Kinda makes me want to look elsewhere. I think I will target the Crystal River area. 

Every Saint has a past, every Sinner has a future. On Instagram @hamneedstofish

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