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I see where on TR it’s become a thing to trap crawfish and have a good feed……anyone do this? Anyone try on Stockton or Taney?……used to do it in the creeks….some traps are better than others…I had my best luck with the wire minnow trap kind with an extension…..feel free to share recipes!….best bait for me was can of cat food and fish heads put in a bird suet cage



MONKEYS? what monkeys?


 Best things we ever used were liver tied in a mesh, or even better was a medium sunfish, either stomp it a few time or make several slices in it to let the juices out.

I will add that if you put it in public water, hide it well.  Or guard it, else you won't have the trap or the dads very long.


10-15 years ago we use to go down in the spring and catch them by hand "moving up"  by the cooler full and have a boil.

I started running traps and never did any better than we could with a butterfly net and wading. 


On 11Pt, I used to use trout guts on a hook, flip them up on bank when grabbed on, then into cooler.

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