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I just can’t seem to break away from setting unrealistic fishing goals and then obsessively pursuing them. What’s the line about the first step to treating a problem is admitting that you have a problem? Oh well.

I have a goal that is so outlandish that I won’t say it publicly (yet). Y’all can follow along (or not) as I spin out mentally.

Fish Species on fly 2023

1) Grass Pickerel

2) Creek Chub

3) Southern Redbelly Dace

4) Rainbow Trout

5) Bleeding Shiner

6) Northern Hog Sucker

7) Brown Trout

8- Knobfin Sculpin

9) Striped Shiner

10) Dusky Striped Shiner

11) Smallmouth Bass

12) Largemouth Bass

13) White Bass

14) Ozark Sculpin

15) Banded Sculpin

16) Northern Rock Bass

17) Longear Sunfish

18) Northern Snakehead

19) Cardinal Shiner

20) Golden Shiner

21) Ozark Bass

22) Eyetail Bowfin

23) Central Stoneroller

24) Bantam Sunfish

25) Spotted Gar

26) White Craappie

27) Bluegill

28) Zebra Tilapia

29) Coppernose Bluegill

30) Mayan Cichlid

31) Warmouth

32) Florida Bass

33) Spotted Sunfish

34) African Jewelfish

35) Florida Gar

36) Oscar

37) Barramundi

38) Peacock Bass

39) Redear Sunfish

40) Redbreast Sunfish

41) Mock Blenny

42) Slippery Dick

43) Sgt Major

44) Rainbow Parrotfish

45) White Grunt 

46) Yellowtail Snapper

47) Freshwater Drum

48) Whitetail Shiner

49) Bigeye Shiner

50) Northern Studfish

51) Green Sunfish

52) Black Crappie

53) Orange Spotted Sunfish

54) Redspotted Sunfish

55) Western Dollar Sunfish

56) Blackspotted Topminnow

57) Flier

58) Shortnose Gar

59) Yellow Bass

60) Skipjack

61) Carmine Shiner

62) Mooneye

63) Spotted Bass

64) Grass Carp

65) Longnose Gar

66) Black Rockfish

67) Pink Salmon

68) Alaskan Pollock

69) Copper Rockfish

70) Quillback

71) Kelp Greenling

72) Lingcod

73) Shadow Bass

74) Steelcolor Shiner

75 ) Redspot Chub

76) Hornyhead Chub

77) Flathead Catfish 

78) Bigmouth Buffalo

79) Brook Trout

80) McCloud River Redband Rainbow Trout

81) Brook SIlverside

82) Gizzard Shad

83) Koi

84) Goldfish 

85) Black Bullhead

86) Common Carp

87) Silver Carp

88) Channel Catfish

89) Wedgespot Shiner

90) Blackstripe Topminnow

91) Hybrid Striped Bass

92) Blacktail Shiner 

93) Inshore Lizardfish

94) Pinfish

95) Pigfish

96) Spanish Mackerel 

97) Jack Crevalle 

98) Leatherjacket

99) Scamp Grouper

100) Chain Pickerel 




I’ll add to list as more are caught. I’ll try to add pics as well just in case Pete is lurking out there somewhere 


Every Saint has a past, every Sinner has a future. On Instagram @hamneedstofish


7) Brown Trout 

Good ole Salmo trutta made an early appearance


This was an adult and kinda kicked my butt for a while. The 3 weight was not really enough pole. 4B69AFB0-5385-4183-8327-6E55BF67409A.jpeg

Every Saint has a past, every Sinner has a future. On Instagram @hamneedstofish

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