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4/19-20 Indian Point

Battled the wind and cold for about 2 hours yesterday morning.  I noticed fish showing up in areas I hadn't seen earlier in the week.  Specifically, on one gravel point I usually fish this time of year, I marked quite a few suspending over 20-30' deep.  However, the wind made boat and cast control pretty much impossible here.  Ducked out of the wind and found one keeper, one short on a 2.8 keitech, just inside a pocket near docks.

Went back out in the evening, but didn't even need to fire up the boat.  Found fish blowing up shad again in the back of a cove near docks.  Had seen this a little bit earlier this week, but not on this scale.  One of those deals you stumble into where you're simply catching, not fishing.  3 fish on first five casts into the madness.  At one point, I'd fish one side of the dock for spots and go to the other for smallies.  Ended up with 19 fish in a little over an hour.  Having too much fun to bother with measurements, but at least 5 legit keepers for sure.  Had a few shredded keitech 2.8 and 3" bps speed shads afterwards.

A cold one again this morning, but thankfully less wind.  Started the day out right with a quick pair on the edge of a point where it transitions back into a cove by docks, boat in about 25-30 on keitech.  No love on the front of the point, so I move to another similar spot.  Had one chaser that wouldn't bite, but caught two as I moved into the pocket, closer two a dock.  Nothing past 1/3 of the way in.  Moved again and headed towards the transition to another, larger cove.  Not much for docks nearby, but did mark fish closer to where I'd expect them to be in the spring.  16-22' seemed to be the range, and they seemed to like the 3/16 watermelon candy tube.  2 nice keepers here plus 3 shorts.  Came back in for early lunch.

Heading back out for the evening to see what we can find.

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Tonight was docks, keitechs, and a slow methodical retrieve.  My working theory is that with the water clarity, they're either out just chasing forage... or "sheltering" amongst whatever timber, dock, or wind-chopped surface is available.  Hardly a sign of them where I caught on a tube this morning... but the bank wasn't being abused by the same amount of wind as it was earlier.  Went to the back of a cove where I'd seen bass busting shad earlier in the week, and caught 7 off the docks furthest back.  My wife will interject here to note that she caught 5 to my 2.  And neither of mine were the two which were keeper size. By this time, it was about the same time as the bass extravaganza from the prior night, so back to the marina we went.  There were a few blowups, but pretty mundane... thinking because of the lack of the wind.  Managed a couple more, plus the nice smallie below.

Taking a pause from fishing in the morning to celebrate and reflect upon the resurrection of our Lord and Savior.  What better location to do so, than a little slice of heaven on earth.  Will maybe have one afternoon report before packing up to head back home Monday AM.




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