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About NoLuck

  • Birthday 11/30/1964

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Spotted Bass

Spotted Bass (47/89)



  1. Price reduced.
  2. Selling my Sweetgrass Mantra bamboo rod. It’s a 7 ft 2 piece Penta with 2 tip sections, upgraded black nickel reel seat hardware and guides. Has the tube and sock. Tip sections are brand new and never used. The rod itself was very lightly used. $1100.00 Send PM if interested. Local sales FTF only. Thanks
  3. Well you didn’t look hard enough. They’re there. Maybe not a ton of 2lb + fish but they’re there. I’m not sure anyone could see a fish driving through the park with the water conditions that they have there now or 5 days ago. 🙄 Ive talked to a half dozen people that have fished the park in the last week that were very happy with what they were catching after they figured out what the fish were looking for. Maybe next time, get out and talk to someone and ask them how they are doing.
  4. I believe they’re closing the 3rd or 2nd of March. Saw a post from family or friends on FB.
  5. During the catch and keep season, yes you’re correct. Even CG5 was reserve only. But I’m 98% sure it’s first come for C&R season.
  6. Nope, first come first served.
  7. All the trout talk boxes were empty last I looked. I’m thinking another Covid deal.
  8. NoLuck is still sitting safe in his house. Still not laid-off yet, but on stand-by not getting paid unless I use my PTO. So I’m trying to save my pennies. According to FB , which I don’t have, supposedly everyone and their brother and sister and uncle and their kids all were down there fishing with bait everywhere. They supposedly cleaned out the stream of all the fish. With no stocking going on and people still keeping fish, it won’t be long before the park will stay empty for a while. Which may be exactly how they wanted it to be. More fish equal more people. So more chance of spreading the crud that’s infecting people. Ill just sit sit and wait till it’s a little safer to be out and about. Not traveling from areas with higher infection counts to areas with low counts is just common sense. Unless you can travel with zero impact with enough food and supplies to distance yourself for a couple weeks, I think you’re better off just staying home. If not for yourself, do it for others safety. JM2 pennies.
  9. All overnight stays have been shut down in the parks, now. Still able to fish though.
  10. The rain we’ve had so far has had little effect on the stream. Still crystal clear except for gunk that people are stirring up. Waiting for later today so the weekenders go home. Then it’s gonna be a great day on the stream. Fishing yesterday was decent on midges. Had an awesome hatch of cream mayflies. But I left all my drys at the camper. Still picked up quite a few fish on a TBH midge though.
  11. Anyone headed down for one last trip?? Looks like it may be a little wet. Been a pretty quiet season at Bennett from my perspective. Fishing has been mediocre at best. Crowds have been bigger than usual. Fish size was decent but not great. Looking forward to a productive winter C&R season hopefully.
  12. Actually, “over time” was just used as a figure of speech. Comparatively, this is the most I’ve seen or heard of them in a long time. So that’s why I used the term. Sorry for the mistaken terminology.
  13. Heard it from a person that saw it on FB and seen it for myself too when I was down there the last couple times. Labor Day weekend was packed.
  14. Heard the game wardens have been working overtime at Bennett. Seen them checking quite a few people the last time I was down a couple weeks ago. Womder if the river being high so much this year has them working the park more.
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