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Everything posted by Ham

  1. Yo Mojo, Where are people launching these days? It really should be a COE list, but I'd love to see a list of what ramps are usable at what water level. Of course, they would need to add the tag line that every one launching a boat is responsible for whatever happens when you try to launch.
  2. No one believes me when I didn't move here for the fishing. I moved here to get away from the almost year round heat and humidity of Louisiana. I knew there was fishing here and I would never move somewhere where the fishing opportunities were really limited, but still. you are correct though, lots and lots of good places to fish close to Mtn Home. The next couple of months might be less than ideal, but so it goes.
  3. Hey mic, I would love to do so. I have no plans on going anywhere and I'm going to fish as long as I am able. If we don't manage to make it happen this year, we can keep trying. The years seem to fly by and I struggle to stay on task at times. The rest of my life gets in the way of my fishing a lot.
  4. To me what's crazy about the MLF deal, is that KVD has beat them to death multiple times catching small keepers. I'm surprised that no one else is going that route.
  5. Not great news as far as I'm concerned. Likely say good bye to the second island at Rim Shoals.
  6. I've fished for 10 minutes this year. I'm ready to break into the hatchery at Roaring River to throw a jerk bait a few times before they slap the cuffs on me. To say I'm on edge doesn't begin to do it justice.
  7. Professional Sports is a business that for whatever reason I care about. There is NO reason for me to care about a bunch of guys that get paid a bunch of money to play a game, but I do. I hate it for St louis that the Rams are running away. I know that I would hate it if the New Orleans Saints ever left I love that the Green Bay Packers are tied to that community. I wish there was some way that all teams that have stadiums built for them with government money or tax breaks or whatever would be forever bound to the community that helped them be viable.
  8. I'm sure that Brian Sloss would guide you to an incredible trip. I think he's really dialed in on the 11 Pt. I know that it is doable in a rented canoe navigating from pool to pool as well. At the bare minimum, rent a boat from Brian and get the skinny on what's going on.
  9. "if they weren't white" ehhhhh I would think in this situation being white would work against you. It's usually minority groups that get treated with kid gloves. The "occupy" folks got to be obnoxious for a long, long time. Sooooo It's a delicate situation that I don't fully understand all the nuances of. I can see were the authorities don't want another Ruby Ridge. I would hope that no one loses their live over this deal, but if the knuckleheads fire on LEO's or Feds then whatever happens is on them.
  10. Phil is the Man on Taney. I've caught a few trout on Taney and a few more on the White River below Bull Shoals. I use 6 lb mono or copoly tied to nanofil witout too much of an issue. In heavier water, the smaller diameter line will cut the current better AND in theory fluro should be a little better. Keep in mind that fluro requires you to pay a lot more attention to how you tie your knots and what knot you use. I guess if I felt like it was necessary, I'd switch to 4 lb fluro.
  11. Ohhhh the difference a "P" can make. The strippers frolicing in the shallows is going to muddy up the water too. Hats off to those young ladies for their cold water tolerence.
  12. Hey Champ, I heard that Obama is considering Executive Action to stock Stripers in Table Rock. you guys might never have clear water again.
  13. Thank You for the update
  14. TR continues to fall (albeit slowly) and BSL continues to rise. Sigh
  15. Ham

    Simple Fly Diaries

    I've read where some folks untwist the yarn and wrap the two parallel strands in as one rather then the one tightly twisted strand.
  16. That stinks.
  17. I wonder how long the existing Hybrids on Norfork will hang in there?
  18. Ham


    I get 200 million freee and clear, I will have a LOT more time to fish even if I don't have any "extra" days on this side of the dirt. I would concede that mo money CAN be mo problems, but I don't know that is an absolute.
  19. Ham


    I'd up my goal to 100 fish species in a year. I'd plan on catching a fish in every state in the USA. I'd also get a passport and head to fish with the aussies for some Barra. I'd give a lot of old fishing gear away and roll out some new bait casting stuff and some new spinning gear. I'd get a half dozen more Tenkara rods. and a few really nice fly fishing reels for the flyrods I have. Order a new Basscat Cougar FTD, a tricked outboard jet rig. A Topwater Trout boat with a 40 HP jet. A ba rebones Supreme with a 10 HP for the Buffalo, a low profile drift boat with a second trailer, a War Eagl aluminum for catfishing the Mississippi and spider rigging crappie, and a pontoon for taking the wife sun bathing. A 25 foot camper for fish camp. I'd probably need a couple of new trucks to drag that stuff around. 1 ton for the travel trailer and a Tundra for the boats. Try to fish 200 days a year.
  20. Ham

    Hair jigs

    For folks not wanting to tie, a Zig Jig is an awesome option for cool/cold water smallmouth. I have finally gotten my hads on the HD version and while I did just fine with the original model, the HD hook is not gonna give any quarter to ANY fish that swims in our waters.
  21. To go fish Bull Shoals instead
  22. third, it rarely rains enough to ruin the river on the day of the rain. Sometimes, you get a light stain and the beginnings of the rise = DINNERTIME
  23. Ham

    Simple Fly Diaries

    Looks like mic is tying up Tenkara flys
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