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David Unnerstall

OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by David Unnerstall

  1. Or ashes from the wood stove -- unless you use pallets as kindling.
  2. Sled dog trip to the boundary waters north of Ely, MN:
  3. GotMuddy, it is believed that the HIGH risk people are being infected by LOW risk people who are not taking proper precautions. But I am honored to be a legend.
  4. That comment says it all.
  5. That is awesome right there.
  6. OK. This virus will not live outside of humans. If we all stop spreading this thing to each other it will die out. Other countries have been successful in this. We just can’t seem to do what we need to do. And for achieving the “herd immunity threshold”: How many deaths are acceptable? If we achieve 100% infection rate that will mean 5.6 million deaths. The average death rate per day has exceeded the 9/11 death count since January 8th. If Al Qaeda were to bomb skyscrapers every day we would not be hoping they run out of buildings to bomb.
  7. Math must be really hard.
  8. I bought Christmas cards on the 3rd. They did not arrive until after Christmas. There was a delay between FedEx and USPS. I sent out cards from previous years. But... I already have our cards for next year.
  9. That is an amazing list!
  10. I believe that that one should have the right to go out and get this virus and count on their immune system. But if you infect others unknowingly before you even know you have it and they die that is wrong. And we are still not certain if asymptomatic spreading is occurring or not. Although I am sure there is information out there that will tell you it is not. And masks are worn to prevent one from spreading the virus it has nothing to do with your freedom. You do not have the freedom to randomly shoot a pistol in a crowd. And as Ham said: our health care workers are living in a hell-on-earth. Out of human compassion I am hoping to avoid adding to their workload. I am eager for the vaccine. The other person in this house is at very high risk if she catches it so we are diligent in our behavior. I skipped deer season with my buddies. I don't play cards at the local bar on Wednesday nights. These are just two things I would love to do again.
  11. I still remember the day Jack Carney died. I have this CD and it brings back some memories. But the topic is Stanley. I have a Stanley one gallon water jug that looks well weathered on the outside but spotless on the inside -- It ain't camping if that is not along.
  12. Okay, my contribution: Christmas_Miami.MP4
  13. You got me on that one!
  14. That would be hilarious if I could remember the characters and plot. But that is now what I came here to say. I read some time back that it took eighteen months to film the claymation portion of this. I can't imaging how hard it had to be to get up to go to work and move the figures to accomplish a lapse in time of three seconds each day.
  15. Mitch, I do not want to know how you came into possession of this.
  16. Just recently the trailer lock, key and second boat ignition key turned up missing. I vaguely recall putting it on the bumper. To all of the youngsters reading this never put anything on the step bumper, ever, not even once, don't even think of it.
  17. There are endeavors that do trip my trigger but some others are worthy just for the experience. The ice fishing trip via sled dogs in the boundary waters and fly fishing the Blackfoot river in Montana I am very happy to have those experiences. Now that I have become voluntarily unemployed I am obsessed with towing the teardrop and the cedar-stripper for three weeks in the Ovando area in Montana. But life is a bit complicated.
  18. Well, Snagged, I just observed that all three of these batteries are low in water. It has always been easier to go out and buy another battery without checking the water but my finances are a bit different these days.
  19. This does not address the exact topic but, for me, the easy things are the most difficult. The battery on the teardrop failed suddenly leaving me in the pitch-black. The NAPA store in town had a marine "combination" cranking and trolling battery. I argued with him there is no such thing -- a battery is either one or the other but got nowhere. Now the Mopar vessel needs a cranking battery (10 volts and no more -- each battery should have a 7th cell that you can switch on. It is ridiculous replacing the whole unit when one sixth is failing.) and a trolling battery which is weak. I pulled out the battery in the teardrop and it does in fact say "combination". I am going to use that as a cranking battery in the boat and buy two deep cycle batteries from NAPA, I guess. There are NAPA stores everywhere.
  20. Tom Magliozzi (the late half of the car-talk duo) used to say: "I am not getting married again -- I am just going to find some woman who doesn't like me and give her my house."
  21. I was still doing roller blades when I hit fifty. I loved those things -- we all played a lot of street hockey as youngsters and if we only had those. Well it is all about the reflexes -- I fell on my posterior while standing and not even moving. I gave them up after that.
  22. I am glad this topic turned to bikes instead of snakes. I rode once a week until recently. The vet tells us this chicken-@%^&* dog of Candy's needs more exercise so I take her for walks instead. I rebuilt the bike I got for my birthday in '76 about ten years ago -- stripped and painted the frame, new brake cables and shoes, new rims and tires and new pedal bearings. It came out OK. I live close to the the Riverfront Trail and there were times I could pedal to Laclede's Landing and back. I want to pick that up again now that I just retired (I am calling it "retired" until I run out of money and then it will just be considered "quitting").
  23. That is funny. And that bike is still the coolest thing on two wheels.
  24. The current generation has been saying similar things about the upcoming generation since Adam, Cane and Abel. But it is still funny.
  25. I like this. I would imagine it would have been a bit difficult for Gregg to get much stage time on guitar with Brother Duane, Dickie Betts, Warren Haynes and Derek Trucks to compete with.
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