Hey - Has to be the 14th (Valentine's Day). Sun, rain, sleet or snow- Spinach, lettuce & onions are good to go in the ground or on the ground. This is what my old Daddy always told me (some times it didn't work out).
Hey- I bought a new Nissan Frontier 4x4 in 2007. The only wrench it has ever seen is to remove
the oil drain plug & a couple of batteries. Had all hoses, belts & fluids changed at the 10 year anniversary.
There is a nice write-up about DD in the Rural Missouri Electric Coop. It is the Dec. edition (you can find it on line if you don't get the magazine).
Good P.R. for a good man.
rps- If you were man enough to wear the U.S. uniform you are a veteran. In one stroke of someones pen you could have been sent anywhere in the world.(during six years of your life)
To any of the bee keepers - I have a large box (12 x 12 x 9 inches) about 2/3 full of bee hive box nails (approx. 2 1/4 in.) that my father left me when he passed. Must be 250-350 total nails. I don't know the value but I will give them to anyone that might need them. I live in N. Nixa or could meet in south Spfd. if anyone wants or need them.
P M if interested.
Who said no tomatoes until Thanksgiving? I was picking lettuce & green onions yesterday in my little garden when I found these little guys. The plant isn't a foot tall. Hope many more to come this year.
Speaking of Gurus - Marty or anyone know what the name of this thing could be? I bought it at the Army Surplus store in Springfield back in the '70's. I use it for cornbread & my sugar britches (FW for wife) calls them cornbread pucks.
B.H. - I had four cornbread cast iron (gave two to the grandson). After the initial seasoning I never let soap touch them. Just use a stiff brush, light spray of Pam, dry off & store. I always mix bacon grease (melted) in the mix. Preheat the pans before cooking is the key to not sticking I think.
Hodson Mill has a good recipe.