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Leonard last won the day on September 27 2015

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About Leonard

  • Birthday 07/18/1973

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Banded Scuplin

Banded Scuplin (57/89)



  1. a couple of small crappie (olive PMS jig)... 2 rainbows (one on olive and one on white) .. I was throwing a rogue had a good hook up.. but forgot to change the spool to heavier line.. it was a solid thump.. I'm betting walleye but the line popped and don't know for sure.
  2. You heard right gator..... just need to make sure we have a grill.... see ya then Leonard
  3. thats great.... sounds like youre just start with your mushroom adventure... I would agree that sometime (not often) oyster will grow off the ground. remember it always better to get a couple of opinions just to make sure.. pictures are always great.. we have done like a mushroom chowder.. almost like clam chowder. we saute them and they go great in spaghetti sauce but the rockefeller is fantasic!
  4. the weather next week looks awesome... in the 60's weather guys say this should hold out through the new year..
  5. Looks like its just Gator and myself this year....... You are gonna double the size of that Jambalaya batch this year...right? and oh yeah..... Im thinking seahorses this year..
  6. time to start planning .... WHO COMING?? Jan 1, 2016.. At the pavillion in at outlet 2 at the Shepard of the hills fish hatchery...
  7. Its been awhile for one of these.... lets see if I remember how... Hit the water about 9pm, full moon, very few thin clouds, and full moon (the moon was full) ... one word... SLOW! Id say 1 unit running low.. started with a an indicator and midge / SJ Worm combo first fish hook up was nice... I pulled the hook.. missed several.. then switched to midge and roo bug.. few more misses and 1 to hand... switched to a PMS ... BAM... almost ripped the rod of my hand and I missed. Must have been a baby. had a few people out there last night... seems like right about mid-night everyone left... it got over cast quick.. went back to the midge and roo bug..... then the bite picked up... ended up with 8 to hand.... and a lot of LDRs......
  8. missing the fishing time.. But Ive have been to almost all the lower 48... in less the 4 months... I was recognized in Denver Co. at the Bass pro fly shop. as the guy that designed the PMS and Hibernator.. one of their top sellers for Colorado high streams been within 100 feet of the Canadian border in International Falls Mn.. cold as crap! -21 air temp.. -57windchill with the sun shining... it burned your skin. Ive seen Seattle, Detroit, LA, NYC, and Niagira Falls... but until next time... Leonard
  9. I havent replied here yet... I have a job orientation between Christmas and News Years.. I may show up in my new ride... LOL
  10. batter them up in hot sauce and butter... flour them... and fry them .. just like a chicken wing... roll them in a wing sauce.. AWESOME! Chickens are one of our favorites... we have found 9 so far this year
  11. any better? I just didnt have those cleaned... Not suppose to clean them till you're ready to use them...
  12. Found a nice handful (22) on July 4th... And man were they good!
  13. here are some photos from the weekend... a nice big dehydrated quart of black trumpets.. and then we walked into a field of about 200+ chanterelles
  14. found some chants and some trumpets..
  15. try Vick vapor rub.... rub you ankles and upper arms.... just these 2 spots is all you need... it help... skeeters wont come around it... ticks hate it.. chiggers flee from it... the knats.... while it doesn't seem to bother them.... but a little around your ears and forehead keeps them from landing in your eyes .. Bonus: if you have allergies this also helps you withstand longer times outside
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