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Daryk Campbell Sr

OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Daryk Campbell Sr

  1. What a story. I expected it to be a turtle somehow ate the fish.
  2. I only took the one photo. I didn't realize how distorted it was. The fish seemed to be a purple irradesent colored shiner. It was very lively, although the picture makes it look dead for hours. Yes sir. I'm hoping to make some modifications and use it with a homeade rod.
  3. So, I know many aren't into the Micros, but most of us like new gadgets. This is a new twist on fly fishing and handling fishing. I found this on a Facebook group, thought inwould take a chance. It's pretty cool. It's called KindaPrimitive micro reel. A guy somewhere in Florida makes them, I believe wirh a 3d printer. You cast/throw your lure or bait and retrieve it by hand. Reel it with finger and thumb. I bought one, gave some input and he modified it. I have a couple more modifications to suggest, but it is alot of fun, and a new gadget.
  4. Everyone, I want to let you all know, when I was down and immobile in a wheelchair, Leo messaged me and made me feel so good, offering me an opportunity to come to this lake that is open to handicap individuals. It meant so much to me. I'm still quite moved by it. Leo, would it be OK if I shared this on Facebook?
  5. Like magic. Can we opt in to a payment or donation?
  6. That's a mighty fine offer Phil. I've kinda got used to them. I don't mind, makes me feel as if I'm paying my way. If that would be an option, it could be a donation opportunity. Just putting it out there.
  7. Idea for @BilletHead
  8. Somehow I knew Edmund Fitzgerald was coming before he said anything about it.
  9. I understand logically. But, I can't agree with you. Somehow we benefit emotionally from pets more than any modern medicine can replicate. While you're correct in statement, I'll never deny my pets.
  10. Saw my first yesterday in Festus. Been hearing some, but I couldn't swear it's any different than normal.
  11. Well done. Thanks for sharing.
  12. Excellent day. Glad John is still healthy enough to be out fishing with his nephew.
  13. My initial thought was Deportee (Plane Wreck at Los Gatos) by the Highwaymen. First time hearing this one, I believe.
  14. I've resisted the urge to Google it, as I really enjoy this type of brain tease. I also like being turned on to new music.
  15. Not what I was thinking. Familiar, but not sure.
  16. I'm thinking Jimmy LaFarve has a version of this song that Willie sung. I'll hold my answer to give others time, and I may be wrong, and if so, I'll own up to it.
  17. No hatch in Festus, but about 5-10 miles south in DeSoto, I see many reports.
  18. Santee Rig would be my guess. I wanna get back to catfishing. Been quite a long time.
  19. I hear what you are saying. I run/ran my own insurance agency, but, I just can't make it om that alone. I am 90% out of the game, working a 40 m-f job, and loving the stress free lifestyle myself. I'm not gonna be rich, but I'm happy again.
  20. We get just enough to keep things green. Creeks and rivers are way low . It's beginning to seem normal.
  21. I sincerely hope anyone affected is able to recover.
  22. Somehow, it seems common to skip the original source of the problem. The original domino, that if left alone, would have kept the whole structure together. Your day to day work has taught you to look for that, and that's what we as a society could use. Unfortunately problem solving is no longer taught in schools, truly. My kids are taught how to test and score well. I have spent a lot of time teaching my kids and scouts how to problem solve. It makes life much easier.
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