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About danop69

  • Birthday 05/16/1969

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  • Location
    St. Louis, Mo
  • Interests
    Studied Inland fisheries Mgmt. at SIU-C. Fishing for bass, crappie, bluegill and walleye. Also mtn biking and hiking.

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Banded Pygmy Sunfish

Banded Pygmy Sunfish (4/89)



  1. Nice, rps. Just haven’t heard of it happening. Make sense that if anyone has that it would be you. I was quite shocked when I got it to the boat and saw what it was. It was almost dark so I didn’t see the hit very well.
  2. Hahahahaha. Yep. They do. I don’t drink it very often it just happens to be my last name. 👍🏻
  3. Has anyone ever caught a walleye on a topwater? Because I did on Friday night while fishing for bass. A first for me! Caught this one on a sexy dawg! then my boat partner and I caught a double on Saturday night on the same point on square bills. The biggest one was 24” and just under 4lbs. Have never caught so many walleye while bass fishing. Caught at least one on every outing over 2 1/2 days. Obviously populations are growing in TRL! Happy to see that!
  4. Asked at the end and they said there were 220 entries this year
  5. 181 Posted 13 hours ago Well that doesn't sound like much fun at all! Well done. Was it up and down under the boat or were you making casts with the jet? We were cast it out and counting it down.
  6. Got out at about 5:45 this am. Started at a cove just off the main channel down by Cow creek at about 6 or so. Water temp was 85.8 with maybe 5 foot of visibility. Looks like an algal bloom goin on. Was not like this 3 weeks ago. Fish were busting on top all around us sporadically for about 45 mins to an hour. Threw spooks, and wakers with no takers. Picked up a popper and they seemed to like that as I caught 2 in successive casts, both keeper spots, and then it was over. Found them out in the creek channel just outside the submerged tree line suspended in 30-50ft in 70 ft of water closer to the main channel. Started throwing the jet slab spoon and it was on! Giant whites with some Kentuckies mixed in literally knocked the snot out of the slab spoon. They were hitting it so hard the nearly ripped the rod out of your hand! Also caught a nice 4-7 Largemouth and 21” walleye on the same rig! What a morning! At 10 am or so we were just beat after casting that slab for so long so we called it a morning! Caught 29 total, no shorts. Mostly whites 4 spots, 1 Largemouth and the kicker walleye. Bass were released unharmed. Can’t say that for the whites! Gonna have some of them Friday night! What a blast! Good luck
  7. Just to add more detail to my post. The jig I was throwing was 1/2 oz gr pumpkin/orange with a zoom speed craw trailer. And yes as others have posted I dipped both of the trailer claw tips in orange spike it. This seemed to make a huge difference as I out caught my partners 2:1.
  8. Lol! No Champ. I was not. Just our little 3 person family tourney for the week. I have just that one! Just dreaming I suppose! Ha
  9. Came down for our annual week at TRL Jun22-29. Sun was a complete washout for us as it rained nonstop all day and night. Every morning (Mon-Fri) we fished from 5am until 11am at the latest. We had found a couple of new areas that we wanted to try this year so we headed there first thing. A little cut of the main lake just down lake from cow creek. Being that there were a lot of flooded we decided to start pounding them with a jig first keeping a eye out for top water activity as well. . Caught this 5.00 beauty up tight in the bushes about 7:30 or so and she hammered my jig and craw! Also caught a really nice 2.27 SM on the point of the same pocket slow rolling a grub. Also caught a few on top with wakers and spooks. Tried some of our deeper spots and could locate fish but couldn’t get em to bite anything. Threw the grub, drop shot, jigging and flutter spoons and they were having non of it. Caught this 3.70 in the same pocket in the same row of flooded bushes on Tuesday morning on the same jig and craw. We caught more LM this year than ever probably because we were doing a lot more bank beating than we usually do this time of year but with all those flooded shrubs we couldn’t resist! Needless to say it was probably a good idea as these two fish are the largest that I have caught to date out of TRL! We did fish our usual locations but had limited success with no consistency. We did manage a few at each of our spots but just not like in years past. I’m sure the high water and the lower water temps (saw anywhere from 76-82 through out the week) had something to do with this as the summertime pattern is usually well established by the time we get to the lake. It wasn’t this year. We usually start our mornings looking for some top water action. We fished our usual gravel run outs and main lake humps near deep water and could locate fish at all but getting them to bite was another story. We did get a few every day on wake baits. Also had many blow ups but they would just flat out miss it! Was still a lot of fun though. We did have one morning when the whites blew up near the boat. We managed 5 before they were gone on wake baits and one on a flutter spoon. All in all it was a good week. Did not catch the numbers we are used to but the quality sized fish more than made up for that. I think we caught right at 50 fish over the week with about half of those keepers. Pretty good ratio in my book. Good luck to everyone. Thanks for all the great reports over the years as it has helped up fine tune our tactics and our ability to catch those pesky TRL bass! Dan
  10. Pretty much the same for us too. We started at 5:00am. Fished a flooded brush point and was throwin jigs, wobble head and topwater. I only managed one short brown fish on the wobble head with a zoom gr pumpkin speed craw and no top water action what so ever. Left there at about 6 or so and wanted to be on a main lake hump by the time the sun came from behind the clouds. Was fishin drop shot anywhere from 20-40 over 50' and managed a couple spots there. While there the surface came to life within a cast from the boat so we threw over immediately and caught a real nice white and a 14" spot and then they we're gone. After another 15 min or so decided to make a move. We ran over to pt. 7 where where we had had some luck earlier in the week and found some suspended fish at the same depth and caught 4 there including a real nice keeper spot and a 16 1/2" brownie then it slowed again so we went back to check the hump again but couldn't get bit. By the way Pete Wenners was fishin the same hump near us a couple days in a row and he actually went to our dock nearby to clean fish for his clients and there were two other boats with him as well. Had a group of 6 I think. Chatted with him briefly. Awesome guy to say the least. Just a real friendly guy to chat with. Also Brian Snowden dropped off some clients at our dock this week too. Pretty neat. Will have a post later about our week here later on.
  11. Yeah, it was definitely a very slow bite. Just here and there. No multiples. Just swimming the grub very slow.
  12. So true. We just got in from this morning an we have not seen balls of bait anywhere yet but have seen them scattered about. Saw a few here and there swimming on top while fishing but that was it. We went to completely diffenernt areas to look for more fish and found some on main lake bluff ends with pole timber. A little better than yesterday but not by much. Caught most of our fish swimming a smoke grub and one on a hula jig. Was overcast all day which I thought would help but not so much other than we went sweating and were very comfortable a morning. Did go out to fish a main lake hump and saw scattered fish. Caught 2 there with one spot and a brown fish on a fin believe it or not. It was a light rain at the time so just decided to head in for a bit then take the kids out for a while this afternoon. All in all, only 8 fish total with a mixture of LM, spots and brownies with only two keeps being small jaws about 16" each. Still have 4 more days to figure something out. Thanks for the input. Good fishin! Dan
  13. Wish I could tell ya Quill. Out right now and didn't even try this morning.
  14. Havin trouble uploading a picture of the Ned bass. Will try at another time.
  15. Started the day at 0500 and went straight over to Schooner creek to scout some topwater action. Threw the fin for about some swim baits til about 7 or so with no takers. Had a few blow up but that's it. Not really much activity on top to speak of but did manage one short LM on a jig. Went over to Mill Creek fished a grub and jig sittin in 30 throwing up to 15 in gravel with nothin to show. Shot across the cove and fished a bluff wall with some pole timber and caught a couple of LM and a spot. Biggest was 14 3/4. Decided to head over and fish a couple of deep water docks with only one more fish. Called it a day at 10:30. All LM and spots for 5 total. No brown fish to be seen. Tough day all in all. Have to retool tomorrow and try something different. Did throw the little rig a bit but maybe not enough. Probably try more of that tomorrow. By the way did walk down to our dock last nite to try out a couple of new fins and Andy caught a nice 4 lb or so LM on a gr pump/ orange Ned that got us pretty fired up. Hope you all had a better day that us. We'll definitely be back out at 5 am. Good fishin, Dan
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