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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. 1. no, no 2. no 3 no 4. 1 5. 1 Come on guys, how hard is it to answer five questions straight up without the sermonizing?
  2. Yeah, they're pretty little devils. One of them nearly cost my grandson his left big toe. It's there now but crooked.
  3. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    I'm having leftover soup for breakfast tomorrow!
  4. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Lovey scratch made creamy tomato basil bisque from garden tomatoes canned in July,, jalapeno beer bread croutons and grilled cheese on Pepperidge Farm cinnamon swirl bread. I am in flavor heaven.
  5. Only one "like".
  6. And then I found it. You're fast.
  7. It's well worth the asking price. 5.7 is a strong long running motor.
  8. Move then. 🙂 You already sell all over the world. We got a pretty good airport and fair internet.
  9. Good luck to you guys. You'll be best in a layout or boat blind that can handle shallow marsh for 4 rivers. And a ton of decoys.
  10. If I win I will frame it and put it on a wall. So do please add me to the list.
  11. I'm not worthy but would still love to own one of them. Please add me to the list.
  12. You can actually stay warm in one of those that is set up right. Great boat for a proper dog ramp.
  13. I've broken a lot of ice to kill ducks. And it always seemed to be worth it. At the very least, it never killed me. Yet.
  14. I love canned carp. That one would be at least 8 pints of prime. Pack one inch chunks tight in pint jar. Add one bay leaf, one tablespoon of ketchup and one teaspoon of canning salt. Pressure can for 45 minutes. Do not knock it until you try it.
  15. That's the way to do it. With room for boats and gear.
  16. The Grand River bottoms up there are quite something. I've seen herds of 100+ deer in the winter. Clouds of mallards. Vee after Vee of Canada, Snow and other lesser geese. Good thread for me at least.
  17. You need to go to the museum that's at Top of the Rock. Definitely tens of thousands of points, axes, adzes, pestles, clothing, everything imaginable that a billionaire could possibly have.
  18. Wrench is one of those guys that thin skinned fellers ought to leave be. Glad I'm not thin skinned. Glad he got you lined out.
  19. I see nothing. Call me Sergeant Schultz.
  20. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    I'm going to eat some of the spaghetti sauce I put up in July with some ground beef and whole wheat pasta. Up yours JoeD.🙃 Oh heck. I forgot to mention the fresh purple basil flowers and fresh ground parmesan. I did say something about organic grass fed beef, right? And a couple of glasses of delicious vina rosa? Kalamata olives? Artisan candy onion, locally sourced?
  21. Fountain Grove could be awesome back in the day. The main memory I have from there is being in some of the stickiest gumbo mud ever experienced by me in water that was within a couple of inches of the tops of my waders. That and flight after of flight of teal during early season over too many acres of smartweed to be able to fully comprehend and appreciate.
  22. So is my Thanks! I've seen a few. Nothing like what it was back in the '60's and 70's when I got ate up with biology and the other earth sciences learning what this world is like.
  23. Drag chain is simple. The primary function of the drag chain is to keep the boat from spinning while drifting. About 3 feet of log chain. Rope and chain together about a foot shorter than what can get into the prop. A bicycle innertube in the rope and chain set up to act as a shock absorber is also helpful as is a boat fender to act as a float if the chain hangs up and is separated from the boat. Either a lighter breakaway where you connect to the bow eye or store a knife handy just in case. You do not want to sink your boat if the chain gets hung while you are in heavy current.
  24. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Housemade egg salad sandwiches and tomato soup.
  25. I'm coming Thursday go home Sunday. Two more but not yet sure on their dates.
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