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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. In my opinion, the best water on the James is from Hootentown to Highway V. And again from Horse Creek (Kerr) most of the way to Galena. Since you are used to fishing around St. Louis, the summertime crowds that the James surely sees will probably be tolerable to you. Be sure you have easement to get to and from the property. And be kind to the people you meet. Wouldn't want to start any feuds or anything.
  2. Bond or I lose my bet. Best I ever had was Osage Orange roosts in Vernon County. Cut milo in early season was mighty fine too. Need eight or ten breasts and some bacon!
  3. Glad you made it out safe and sound. Good luck on getting back to pick up your gear and having it all there waiting patiently to finish the float.
  4. This guy needs to come to jigfest. He'd fit in somewhere, I'm pretty sure.
  5. You bet. Always been a fan of Miller Beer.
  6. I've got stuff from Carl's still in the safe. The prime example being a Ruger Single Six with box, paperwork, .22 WMR cylinder and a holster. Less some bluing that's well lost. Put a white outline rear sight on it, a lighter trigger spring and a set of Pachmayr grips. Took out a lot of small game with that revolver. I could shoot it. Many many bricks went through that barrel. A coon looking down from a rafter in a barn was in big trouble. Not to mention one in a brushpile or a woodchuck in front of one of my dogs. If I could only have one handgun, that one would be it.
  7. Carl's really was quite the place.
  8. Growing up in Nevada it was a regular thing to drive up to a silo, leave and see how long it took for blue jeeps to come wheeling around.
  9. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Never had them. Won't miss the opportunity again!
  10. But doesn't it make you feel all safe and everything? Or would you rather see a new water tower or bridge or something you might actually need to use someday? Don't get me wrong, I was USMC so no problem with the military. But for crying out loud, how much stronger do we need to be?
  11. You're not worthy Pete. But go anyway!
  12. I can take it, I still have that cast iron posterior. Thank you word censor correction bot.
  13. Bought two TFO 7" LF rods for my grandsons. They catch a lot of fish with them. I bought one Airstream 7" LF for myself and then another one just like it in case they stopped making them. I've fished both and prefer the Browning over the TFO, mainly for the grips. They are both good rods, especially for the money. However, my current favorite rod for throwing jigs at trout is one of Richard Cross's. Lighter weight and better balance with a Patriarch is why I like it so much. Proper action too of course.
  14. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Nice avatar.
  15. It's cool to use mother nature to fight over. Red Algae has as much right to live as anything. Its a strange and wonderful rock on which we live. Not always what a man in a boat would choose first. But tough. We get what the planet gives us. As for me, I am thankful for it.
  16. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Just imagine how good it would have been had you used a better bottle of wine.
  17. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    I've got a couple of glass crocks. When we get home I will give it a whirl if there are still cucumbers available that are the right size. It's already getting to the late part of season.
  18. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Big fan of Alton Brown. Science of food guy. He's a lot better cook than me.
  19. I've started and run multiple businesses. Never yet had one go bust. Here is my advice: 1. If you have a burning desire that keeps you up at night, feed it. 2. If you think you are as good at what you do as anybody that ever was, go do it. 3. If you cannot stand the thought of failure, have at. Otherwise, keep your day job. You are the one who has to know your wants, needs and abilities. From what I've read on here from you, # 2 is really not much of an issue. Best of luck with whatever way you go.
  20. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Is there dill involved? They look like something I would eat! Biology is good.
  21. No bird, fish, crayfish, mussel, amphibian, reptile, mammal, or other form ofwildlife, including wildlife raised or held incaptivity, or their homes, dens, nests, eggs,and larvae in Missouri shall be molested, pursued, taken, hunted, trapped, tagged, marked,enticed, poisoned, killed, transported, stored,served, bought, sold, given away, accepted, possessed, propagated, imported, exported, orliberated to the wild in any manner, number,part, parcel, or quantity, at any time, except asspecifically permitted by these rules and anylaws consistent with Article IV, sections 40–46of the Constitution of Missouri; however,this Code shall not apply to other invertebratesexcept as specifically provided. (Article IV, sections 40–46 of the Constitution of Missouri establishes the MDC) This is the section of the wildlife code that makes it a permissive code. Unless the code tells you how, when and where you can take or even try to take animals in Missouri, you can't do it - legally. And of course you need the appropriate permit(s) and have to comply with daily and possession limits, labeling and all the other stuff they can hang you with. The wrong agent can and will. For example, I have a friend who had to go to court for having ducks in his freezer that weren't labeled.
  22. Only if they are farm raised. Assuming you mean actual Missouri fish, not something commercially supplied from other states, countries etc.
  23. Great photo. Save that one for thirty or so years down the road. You'll both be glad you did.
  24. Those are some really pretty fish Marty. Great trip and reports. Thanks so much for sharing. We are heading west ourselves in the AM. Looking forward to some thinner drier air and seeing for miles and miles.
  25. Not sure that's possible. Speaking strictly for myself of course. I give you a lot of credit.
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