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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. Find a cute nurse and .... well, you know.
  2. A good LEO is always welcome in my neighborhood. Never met her but wish the best for her. Justified is a good Marshall's show in case anyone is interested.
  3. Well Daryk, at least its not a limpnod. So you got that going for you. Take care of yourself Amigo.
  4. What's a swollen limpnod to a tough old goat like you anyway?
  5. Is livescope sonar that much more powerful in the water or is there magic going on in the unit on the boat? In other words, why aren't fish put off by more traditional depth finders/graphs?
  6. I'm just guessing, but the mental aspect would seem to far outweigh the physical.
  7. ^^ That's beautiful.
  8. Terrierman

    Your Tuff

    These roots were taken out of the ditch over about a 30 foot section of sewer line. Pretty sure they were what caused the belly in the line as we've been here 11 years and just recently had the problem occur. Gigantic Elm, which we may have killed but there was no other way to do a repair.
  9. Terrierman

    Your Tuff

    Do I strike you as the kind of person who wouldn't have on long pants working in a ditch? What I should have remembered is bibs is a shirt.
  10. Terrierman

    Your Tuff

    I need to post a picture of the roots that came out and I'm sure caused the problem. But I'm in the house for today. So stand back and stand by.😁
  11. Terrierman

    Your Tuff

    I spent several hours running a shovel midday yesterday fixing a belly in the sewer line between house and septic tank. Soaked all the way through my shirt and bib overalls, socks, everything. Talk about a meltdown. But drinking plenty of water and gatorade kept me going. Never felt all that bad, just hot, real hot. And it's been a long time since high school.
  12. This week I've tried to stay in AC as much as possible. It's just awful.
  13. Old timey trail markers. Really cool.
  14. For the love of Pete take your grievances elsewhere.
  15. Hoping it was an easy and peaceful passing for him. Regardless, his troubles are now past. Best to you and his family.
  16. Cleaning out excess stuff. Two good lanterns with very little use. Propane with 3 bottles of fuel. $25 picked up in Ozark or Springfield. . Two mantle dual fuel - with original box. $25 picked up in Ozark or Springfield.
  17. And politics has killed another thread
  18. Positive thoughts coming Steven's and Oneshot's way.
  19. Another reason hybrids make sense, 100% EV, not for me ever,
  20. Burn me for a witch but I hate carpet in a boat.
  21. San Antonio is a great place to visit. Very walkable downtown area.
  22. OK I forgot about salmon. Trout are for when a person is really hungry.
  23. If it ain't white it ain't right. On all freshwater fish IMHO.
  24. I have always thought and still do that LMB is the most overrated sport fish ever. For the table or the rod and reel.
  25. An otherwise earlier fun thread is now closed due to the personal stuff.
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