Wild asparagus in a fence line stands out like a sore thumb right now. I take a weedeater to my patch in March. Whip it to bare ground to give the asparagus a fair chance to outrun the weeds.
Guess what - I fished everywhere I wanted with a 1648 jon with a 9.9 Evinrude. Very little dragging - but honestly some. I wasn't quite poor at the time, but not what you would call flush. Had a lot of fun on that river in that boat.
That was back when Heck was a pup. I lived in St. Charles for a few years and fished that river a little bit. It's still a heck of a fishery but still.... different now.
So a gallon or so of chili, 30 hotdogs and buns, couple of pounds of shredded cheese, a big onion, two jars of jalapenos, a bottle of ketchup and a bottle of mustard sounds about right for Thursday, right?
When I was more or less serious about gardening, I liked to have it plowed deep in the fall to get everything turned over. Tilled early and then again when time to plant.
I'll bring chili, hot dogs, buns and fixins for chili dogs Thursday night. Eggs, hashbrowns, deer and elk backstraps for a breakfast one day, either Friday or Saturday. How many are going to be there to eat?
Good deal Eric, honestly I couldn't be happier for you. Looking forward to seeing you again and meeting Christie!
edit: I wish I could share the look I just got from Lovey when I asked her if she wanted to go too.
I'm a little slow but still want to congratulate Eric and his lovely Bride.
And dare him to bring her to Jigfest with him. That's her only hope for learning the truth about him.
Oh I get it now. I thought it was all trips you had done.😎 I've driven to Puget Sound for ling cod. Port Aransas Texas for Speckled Trout and Sheepshead. Florida as far south as Key West for Amberjack, snapper of various description and my once in a lifetime honest to pete big Tarpon.
A corn fed mallard, pintail, gadwall or widgeon. All are on the very top shelf for waterfowl table fare. I've killed and eaten a lot of ducks and still prefer breasting one out, briefly marinating it in soy sauce, fresh garlic, fresh ginger and some brown sugar and then grilling to medium rare on a hot charcoal fire.
I have been known to get the innards out (do that as soon as they are in hand) and hang the bird for a few days before the above. The weather we are having right now is perfect for that.
Lovey made chicken and noodles in the crockpot. The smell is killing me. One of my favorite cold weather comfort foods of all time. Still have an end of a baguette to go with.
Ketchup: Man you do like those peppers eh? Fresh they're a bit much for me. Pickled in a quesadilla or on nachos - then pile 'em up.
Here in Missouri, our wildlife code is prescriptive. Which means the code tells you what you can take when by what methods. If you don't find a spot in the code that blesses what you are doing to what species and how in the code then it's prohibited. You won't be finding a BB gun season on sparrows for example. So shooting sparrows with a BB gun could - but likely won't - get you in a spot with the skunk sheriffs.
I have no problem with vermin control. And most but not all of the raccoons were skinned and hides sold, carcasses sold for meat, and feet sold for making Native American tourist trinkets.