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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. Way to be real people Marty and Pat. Deals like that are good for the soul for all concerned.
  2. If they were available - even kind of readily - Marty would have them already. There were more of them made than Excalibur, but they won't be easy to find. SO LOOK HARDER!
  3. Manganese in drinking water causes problems - mostly with causing more or less permanent black spots on laundry and also staining porcelain sinks and toilet bowls. Just guessing that's what the City of Branson was concerned about as Taneycomo is the primary water supply for the City. Not toxic in the levels- normally well under .2 mg/l - found in drinking water. It's more soluble in it's reduced state so water with oxygen levels that support trout will normally oxidize that manganese and it will precipitate out.
  4. That's what I thought.
  5. You catch a lot of nice fish and I enjoy seeing them and reading about the trip. It's a fishing forum no?
  6. Rats are easier to get than cats. Hard to tell the difference when it's cooked right. 50 some odd years ago when I was in the Philippines, there were street vendors everywhere selling skewers of "monkey meat" grilled on a Hibachi. Even then I figured monkeys were probably hard to come by. Especially compared to rats which were everywhere. Didn't care, it still tasted good.
  7. I honor the turkeys I shoot by sharing everything but the breast meat with the many hungry creatures that Mother Nature has placed near me. IT IS NOT WASTED. Mother nature wastes nothing. Nothing right down to the nutrients that fungi release to the soil nearing the end of the trophic chain.
  8. I've got a couple of blinking lights on my bike that are > 180 degree visible. They're small, came with a rubber strap to fasten to handle bars and back rack. Weight is practically nothing. Would be easy to fasten one to the top of a kayak flagpole and would greatly increase visibility to others. Most bike riders around here use something similar, both front and rear. Kayakers should take a lesson.
  9. We've had 0.98" since midnight here just east of Ozark. And it started again about ten minutes ago. It came nice. The little branch on the way into town and the Finley are still running clear at a nice level.
  10. There was a fish house on the river in a little burg just outside of Jefferson City back when. They fried buffalo ribs as their specialty and they are good. Real good. You could get a whole carp scaled, scored and deep fried at the same place. Also good. They sold beer too. Also good. Cold squatty bottles of Stag. Good times.
  11. I'm one of those people who've been run off a gravel bar in the middle of the night with a rise. I'll normally camp up on the first bank if at all possible. I like the 11 point float camp sites. They're easy and safe from getting flooded out absent an honest to Pete big rain.
  12. Let's talk about mimosa too.😡
  13. Shingle Oak is basically bare now. Pin Oak still has maybe 40%. Planted a crimson oak (not a red oak) last fall and I can't tell that it's lost anything yet. Talk about stubborn, they could give lessons.
  14. I read on a water tower this one time that Cotter is the Trout Capitol of the USA. And it might be true. Have fun you all!. AND! What Griz said about Nina's championship pizza will be ignored at your own peril. As for me, it's a 100% when in the area. You're maybe five minutes from their door.
  15. Terrierman

    An Idea

    That's the way I do it. Gardening done right is a lot of work. Going to the farmer's market is a lot of fun. Plus there's a lot more variety there than I ever want to deal with growing on my own.
  16. This is too interesting as in may you live in interesting times for me to like all that much.
  17. I get along fine with carpet on 2x4 with the Shawnee. That slick stuff escares mi.
  18. The stubborn oak trees - pin oaks, shingle oak, crimson oak and their relatives who don't care to give up on a leaf until the last minute gave up a lot of their leaves today. It is howling out there.😵
  19. Be aware that the 11 point has very few gravel bars. The USFS float camp sites are great though. So be sure to check them out before you go.
  20. Marty, expertise earned and shared - like this - is a huge part of what makes OAF so valuable. Thanks for a great post my friend.
  21. Consider yourself lucky if an airplane - any airplane - is the loudest thing you've ever heard.
  22. I'm left wondering why not. Reminds me of a time I was catfishing in the dark and drinking with my old friend Butch. Spring River if I remember. I didn't push him, but he fell in. Only to his ankles. Head first. What a great memory of a great friend, may he rest in peace. We laughed about that night a lot.
  23. Lovey was having visions of a pack of hillbilly ne'er do wells doing me harm when I went to the first jigfest. When I got back and told her about the people there, she got over worrying about me meeting up with people known to me from OAF.
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