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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. Somebody stole my amber Costa's on Saturday. Left them sitting by my tacklebox on the dock while we went out to bait the juglines. When we got back my box was still there but the glasses were gone. Can't deal with no amber glasses so got a pair of Maui Jims to replace the gone pair. Not cheap but very nice. Actually fit better. Hate a thief. Nobody needs a pair of sunglasses bad enough to steal them off a dock.
  2. Rigazzi's. Home of the frozen fishbowl! Always a good time and good food. And cold beer.
  3. I know whose problem it is. This time, for once, not mine.🎯
  4. Is Cunetto's still good? Went to lunch there during the Union Electric job interview in what? Maybe 1984 or '85? I was the only person at the table who didn't have a vowel as the last letter in their surname. Got the job too.😎
  5. bump
  6. I've got an Atlas in my truck. Have carried one basically forever. Every Wal-Mart has them.
  7. We fished last weekend at Truman. Motel was $75 per night for the most basic of accommodations. But it did have a very nice lake view at sunset.
  8. You can't receive messages. Thought you might want to know.
  9. Now that's a cool story. Both the first deer and parents with a set of rules for their son.🎯
  10. This is the monster from last year.
  11. And I can tell you whose problem it is too. MINE.
  12. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    I have not. So far. 🤓
  13. Those were the days. These ones are no slouch either. I hate breaking my every jigfest ever streak. 🥵
  14. Just north of Deerfield MO. Great country that I was lucky enough to grow up hunting in. Quail back then was the real deal. They're gone now. There were and probably still are a lot of ponds that were good = really good bass fishing. And in the fall/early winter the best duck hunting ever.
  15. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    What a great movie. Just great.
  16. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Nope. Cat food.
  17. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    There is a Jell-o renaissance going on here lately.😎
  18. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Back to the 60's. Tuna casserole (extra peas of course) with crushed potato chips topping. Lovey wants cornbread too and what Lovey wants, lovey gets. Strawberry Jell-o mold with fruit cocktail and cool whip for dessert.🎯
  19. Another Saturday morning deer. This is his last youth season. This is a nice one sure enough, but last year he killed a true monster - rack and body. Can't find that picture though, dang it.
  20. Wow!
  21. Terrierman


    Congratulations to her and her parents!
  22. Terrierman


    I wonder how he would feel about that? Not a snide remark either.
  23. Glad you are able to do that.
  24. We brought home something like 50 pounds of blue cat filets. Set out 20 jug lines Friday night and Saturday night. Live bait. It was on.
  25. Dogpatch is a creepy place that has potential. A Johnny Morris / BPS specialty is dealing with what others won't and then making it work. Branson Creek is a prime example. So is Ozark Mill. Moved a historic bridge and saved the County Commission's rear end, not to mention saving the mill itself.. Will wind up bringing more business to downtown Ozark, which in the end will be a good thing.
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