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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. Even the stockers are fun to catch. Kind of.
  2. Is there such a thing as a younger berry? I waste all my best ideas here, with no patent protection. Invent them, or at least lie about it and market them, and I'd be rich.
  3. So is the mess still there? Meaning where people live. Never mind, I know the answer and don't want to badger you. The rules are different now,
  4. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    I killed another chicken of the woods yesterday. In this dry heat! Gonna do a big ole' T-bone tomorrow with a batch of it and some sweet corn. Don't hate me because I'm pretty.
  5. So. They were both all mushy and mostly tasteless with a hint of musty dogfood finish?
  6. I picked a big zucchini this morning and a couple of nice yellow squash. I guess I need to start talking tough about the cucumbers. Lots and lots of blooms but no baby pickles yet. HEY! Cucumbers! How would you like it if I started to hand pollinate you little geeks?
  7. Nevada, my hometown, has Bushwhacker museum and the summer parade around the square was - not sure if it still is - Bushwhacker Days. Never figured out why any pretty young lady would want the title of Bushwhacker Queen.
  8. KC led the nation in redlining back when that was a new thing too. How does one go about cleaning up that mess?
  9. I caught an 8 lb. carp on 2 lb. line. Took a while, and it was fun hearing the drag work. Lower Taneycomo.
  10. Fish trading cards should be a thing.
  11. I use the knot bobber stops too and thill floats. Trim excess line to keep interference with guides to the minimum. One of my buddies is famous for crossing someone else's line, getting tangled up and then he always says "You need to cut your line. I've got a slip bobber on." Never mind that the guy he crossed over does too. It's cool to watch that bobber just slowly go down. Almost as cool as watching it start floating level. Or just moving. Fun way to fish. And can be very effective. Call me crazy but when I fish a slip bobber, I prefer 2 lb. mono.
  12. You seem a little reluctant. Are you afraid to go camping?🙃
  13. We're good buddies. Right? Want to go camping?
  14. I had the radio on replay listening to the first few bars of "One Way Out" over and over yesterday. Great guitar work - some of the best ever. And that entire song is really top shelf IMHO.
  15. I like you just fine. It's some of the stuff you put out that gets my goat and then I over react.
  16. I limed the garden spot 2 years ago. And put down crushed oyster shells this year. Can't get behind calcium deficiency. Have never had the problem before in the same garden spot. Water like I always have. So can't get behind too much moisture either. Didn't fertilize this year either so too much nitrogen doesn't make sense to me either. Pure mystery to this hillbilly. And there is fruit. Just stunted. The yellow squash right beside the zucchini is fine. Tomatoes are loaded so things are getting pollinated. Go figure. Will still try the hand pollination deal and report back.
  17. It is. We do much the same. Janet has hip replacement surgery coming up and I need to get my hands fixed (carpal tunnel) Covid would preclude all of those.
  18. I used to be a pretty good caller when we were set up where the birds wanted to be.😎
  19. I've never been to duck creek. Grew up on Schell Osage when the old HQ was there and hunted it a lot after it was gone. Spent a lot of time in the middle C blinds. Good times.
  20. Still miss waterfowling a lot. Cannot imagine doing any sort of guided hunt though. For me, it was always about figuring it out with friends, staying in fun places with them, and seeing a wad of ducks in a blue sky setting their wings into the wind and wanting to sit with us. And then grilling a breast or two medium rare and having a few drinks Good times they were. Better to have loved and lost as I've read. Loved it from 15 to 55 or thereabouts.
  21. I love your dedication. Glad we're friends. Happy 4th.
  22. All my good duck calls are gone now. Huge mistake, I had some good ones. Probably the best one was made and signed by Jeff Foiles. I was PO'd that I could not duck hunt anymore and sold or gave away everything. Decoys, layout boat and a nice rack, waders, and 14' boat blind, motor and trailer. Only wish I'd kept the waders and the calls. They were very nice heavy neoprene boot foot waders that I never once got cold while wearing them. I do still have a very nice pair of handmade cork mallard decoys that my hunting buddy made from scratch and gave to me. And a fair bit of waterfowl art. DU got a lot of my $$$ over the years!
  23. We went to Springfield Farmer Market this morning. I'd estimate maybe 60% of patrons and about the same for sellers had masks on. We only patronize places that respect us enough to put on a mask. People were mostly good about respecting other people's space. It's getting better out there, but still not perfect. The weirdest thing was several couples had one person wearing mask, the other not. Still trying to figure that one out.
  24. Whenever any Skynyrd song comes on the radio, I immediately change stations.
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